Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel

The Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel consists of almost 12,000 people aged 18 years and older. With this panel we do research on the experiences, opinions and and expectations on Dutch healthcare.

One of Nivel's national panels

Nivel's Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel is part of Nivel's research infrastructure, which consists of panels, national databases and monitors. With this research infrastructure, Nivel provides relevant information from different perspectives: that of patients, clients and citizens, that of healthcare providers and that of the organisation of healthcare.


The Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel aims to measure, at national level, opinions on and knowledge about healthcare and the expectations and experiences with healthcare.

Panel members (12,000)Panel members (12,000)

The panel consists of almost 12,000 people aged 18 years and older. Together they form a representative reflection on the general Dutch population aged 18 years and older.


Data is collected using online surveys:

  • In total, approximately eight surveys a year are conducted.
  • Each individual member of the panel receives a questionnaire around three times a year.
  • Usually, ther's a response rate of approximately 65 percent for the questionnaires.

In addition to the online questionnaires, we are equipped to recruit members for the panel and perform interviews (by telephone or face-to-face) and focus groups.

Different target groupsDifferent target groups

Questionnaires may be send to different target groups:

  • a sample that is representative for the Dutch population aged 18 years and older
  • a specific subset based on background characteristics (e.g. elderly, or women aged 40-65 years)
  • a sample based on panel members who agreed to combine their answers on questionnaires with data about their healthcare use as registered by their general practitioner.

Privacy protection

We value the privacy of people and organizations that participate in our registrations. In our Privacy Regulations for the Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel  (in Dutch) we state what data we collect, how we manage it, what data we may provide to third parties and what the rights of the registered participants are.
Hereby we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that took effect in EU in 2018:

  • Researchers have no access to identifiable data of participants (e.g. name, address, citizen service number).
  • Research results cannot be traced back to individual persons, healthcare providers or organisations.
  • Participating healthcare providers may withdraw from Nivel's registrations at any time, without stating reasons.


Results of research with the panel you can find at Publications on this website, where you can fill in your own search entrance (such as 'consumer').


The Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

What can we do for you?What can we do for you?

For more information about the panel or about using the panel for research, please contact one of the contacts on the right, or send an e-mail to consumentenpanel@nivel.nl.
For more information on conducting research together with Nivel in general, go to Nivel, partner in international research.
We look forward to getting in touch with you.

Jong, J. de, Brabers, A. Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel. From: www.nivel.nl [Last update 01-February-2024; consulted on 10-March-2025]. URL: https://www.nivel.nl/en/our-databases-and-panels/dutch-healthcare-consumer-panel