June 2019

EUHealthSupport Consortium: supporting EU and DG SANTE, 2019-2023

Duration: Jun 2019 - Jun 2023

EUHealthSupport Consortium provides support to the European Union and DG SANTE (Directorate-General for Health and Food Quality) in particular for existing expert groups and similar entities or new groups, including technical advisory groups focusing on a specific topic.

Support services
The support services can be broadly described as follows:
1. Organising an expert group or a stakeholder meeting in Luxembourg or Brussels, including preparation, logistical support, communication and dissemination services.
2. The coordination and scientific support of expert groups, such as the production of discussion papers or scientific background documents, conducting surveys among members of the expert groups, stakeholders or a wider public and organising scientific webinars.
3. General support of the expert groups, such as translating documents, drafting reports and managing online expert groups on a continuous basis.

This project consists of the following subprojects:
- Support to the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (SGPP), 2021-2022.
- Administrative help for the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
- Administrative and scientific support to the Horizon Europe mission board on cancer and provision of a final report on its activities.
- Lessons learnt from the surveillance during the COVID-19 epidemic and other epidemics
- Review of evidence to tackle underresearched high-burden medical conditions – a scoping study.
- Supporting the monitoring of the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
- Feasibility of contact tracing tools and applications used at national and EU level and integration within Early Warning and Respond System
The output of these subprojects can be found on their webpages.

More information
- A more detailed description of the services offered can be found in the tender specifications for the framework contract issued by Chafea: see
- The international site about the EUHealthSupport Consortium can be found at:

European Commission - CHAFEA
Project partners
Infeurope, Luxembourg; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands; Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE), Germany; Leginda, Germany