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Doelspecifieke versies van CQ-index meetinstrumenten: korter, krachtiger, en specifieker meten?

Triemstra, M., Hendriks, M., Delnoij, D., Rademakers, J. Doelspecifieke versies van CQ-index meetinstrumenten: korter, krachtiger, en specifieker meten? TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2008, 86(8), p. 486-493.
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CQ-index questionnaires are designed to measure patient or consumer experiences with care. These questionnaires are often lengthy because of the various objectives and informational needs of relevant parties. Unfortunately, this brings about higher costs for data-collection and an increased risk of non-response. Also, questionnaires do not always match to the specific implementation aims. This calls for shorter modules or subsets of items which are tailored to the several applications of the CQ-index. This article offers a guiding principle for a closer selection of subjects and specific questions, considering various goals. The tailor-made modules are roughly distinguished into those aimed at mapping differences between care providers or institutions, and modules which are specifically designed to monitor quality improvement. Application of the suggested selection method will be illustrated for the CQ-index General Practitioners. (aut. ref.)