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Jany Rademakers, PhD
Head of research unit Healthcare from the Perspective of Patients, Clients and Citizens; project coordinator Health Literacy and Patiënt Participation; professor 'Health literacy and patient participation', CAPHRI, Maastricht University, the Netherl...


Jany Rademakers' research focuses on diversity in healthcare, more specific on health literacy and patient activation, and in general on patient involvement and empowerment in health care. She was member of the steering committee and chair of the working group on patient experiences of the Dutch Alliance for Health Literacy. She was also one of the founders of the Health Literacy Knowledge Center of NIVEL and RIVM.

Care for more customized care
Her current projects involve the translation and validation of questionnaires to measure health literacy and patient activation. Her research focuses on the relation between the concepts 'health literacy' and 'patient activation' and aspects such as 'health behavior and outcomes', 'self-management', 'intervention development and evaluation' and 'the use and quality of health services in the Netherlands'. Prof. Rademakers is also involved in research projects on patients’ needs and experiences with healthcare and the development and implementation of valid and reliable measurement instruments in this area.



2015 – present Professor Maastricht University Health literacy and patient participation
2009 – present Head of research department
2007 - 2009 Programme coordinator NIVEL. Research programme: Demand-driven health care
2002 – 2007 Programme coordinator / consultant at the Department of Education of the University Medical Center (UMC) in Utrecht. Research areas: determinants of study and career success of medical students, with a focus on gender differences.
1992 – 2002 Head of the research department ‘Sexuality across the life cycle’ at NISSO, later part of the Rutgers Nisso Group. Research areas: sexual development of children and adolescents, sexuality of the elderly, diversity in sexual and reproductive health. In 1999 dr. Rademakers received the ‘Van Emde Boas-Van Ussel’-award of the Dutch Association for Sexology for her work in these areas.
1990 – 1992 Researcher at NISSO (Netherlands Institute of Social Sexological Research). Research areas: prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of unwanted pregnancy and abortion, sexual development.
1985 – 1990 Programme coordinator of Stimezo Nederland, association of abortion clinics. Research areas: determinants of unwanted pregnancy and abortion, quality of abortion care, national abortion registration.

2012 Baak strategy programme, de Baak Courses
2007 Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, University of Dundee, Scotland.
1991 PhD-degree Utrecht University. Thesis: 'Prevention of unwanted pregnancy by adolescents in the Netherlands'
1985 Master Developmental and clinical psychology, Utrecht University
1978 Gymnasium, Norbertuscollege, Roosendaal.

Memberships/external committees

Member Supervisory Board NFK
Member Advisory board Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB)
Member Advisory board Trisearch project (Universität Köln, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany)
Member of advisory board Quality and Information of Achmea
Member of the steering committee of the Dutch Health Literacy Alliance
Member of the research school CaRe (member of the PhD education committee of CaRe)
Member of advisory committee Psychosocial consequences of abortion (Utrecht University)
Member of advisory committee health literacy of vulnerable polypharmacy patients, University of Groningen
Member of the ZonMw projectgroup on low literacy and health (Radboud University)
Member of the editorial Board of the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Member of Vereniging Volksgezondheid en Wetenschap (Society for Public Health and Science)