Researcher General Practice Care, General Practitioner
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Patiëntveiligheid verbeteren met spiegelinformatie.
Kager, C., Schäfer, W., Hek, K., Heins, M., Wagner, C., Korevaar, J. Patiëntveiligheid verbeteren met spiegelinformatie. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2023, 66(3)
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Op het gebied van patiëntveiligheid zijn er flinke verschillen tussen huisartsenpraktijken. Dit onderzoek signaleert een aantal verbeterpunten:
- consequentere aandacht voor nierschade bij ouderen
- meer aandacht voor het gebruik van NSAID’s
- meer aandacht voor gebruik salicylaten door patiënten met een verminderde creatinineklaring en patiënten met hartfalen,
- chronisch gebruik van maagzuurremmers tegengaan
- voorzichtig zijn met het voorschrijven van benzodiazepinen aan ouderen.
- consequentere aandacht voor nierschade bij ouderen
- meer aandacht voor het gebruik van NSAID’s
- meer aandacht voor gebruik salicylaten door patiënten met een verminderde creatinineklaring en patiënten met hartfalen,
- chronisch gebruik van maagzuurremmers tegengaan
- voorzichtig zijn met het voorschrijven van benzodiazepinen aan ouderen.
Audit and feedback can help improve patient safety in general practice. We chose six indicators of patient safety and evaluated outcomes using the NIVEL Primary Care Database.
Descriptive statistics were used to analyse, by indicator, data from the electronic medical records of patients from 346 general practices.
Data for 1,060,618 registered patients in 2019 were analysed. Overall, 66–94% of patients aged 65 years and older had data on creatinine clearance. Between 0% and 22% of patients with a creatinine clearance lower that 60 mL/min had been prescribed an NSAID or high-dose salicylic acid, 0–41% of patients with heart failure had been prescribed an NSAID one or more times, and 1–21% (mean 11%) of patients had been prescribed a gastric acid inhibitor for longer than 1 month. Lastly, 0–24% of patients older than 75 years had been prescribed a benzodiazepine.
We found considerable variation in patient safety indicators between the practices. These indicators are a good and easy to use way to improve patient safety in general practice.
Audit and feedback can help improve patient safety in general practice. We chose six indicators of patient safety and evaluated outcomes using the NIVEL Primary Care Database.
Descriptive statistics were used to analyse, by indicator, data from the electronic medical records of patients from 346 general practices.
Data for 1,060,618 registered patients in 2019 were analysed. Overall, 66–94% of patients aged 65 years and older had data on creatinine clearance. Between 0% and 22% of patients with a creatinine clearance lower that 60 mL/min had been prescribed an NSAID or high-dose salicylic acid, 0–41% of patients with heart failure had been prescribed an NSAID one or more times, and 1–21% (mean 11%) of patients had been prescribed a gastric acid inhibitor for longer than 1 month. Lastly, 0–24% of patients older than 75 years had been prescribed a benzodiazepine.
We found considerable variation in patient safety indicators between the practices. These indicators are a good and easy to use way to improve patient safety in general practice.