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Realising dementia-friendly communities: the role of nursing homes and care professionals = Op weg naar een dementievriendelijke gemeenschap: de rol van verpleeghuizen en zorgmedewerkers.

Portegijs, S. Realising dementia-friendly communities: the role of nursing homes and care professionals = Op weg naar een dementievriendelijke gemeenschap: de rol van verpleeghuizen en zorgmedewerkers. Utrecht: Nivel, 2025. 199 p.
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International society faces major challenges in the coming decades. The number of persons affected by dementia is increasing rapidly, while the working population is slowly decreasing. Dementia is (in its more advanced stages) associated with a high degree of dependency in the performance of daily activities. Therefore, many persons with a moderate or severe form of dementia stay in a long-term care facility.

The increase in the number of persons affected by dementia and the decrease in the number of nursing staff requires a different approach from society. Dementia is related to stigma, which has a negative effect on both persons with dementia and their caregivers. Improving knowledge and understanding of dementia can help reduce this stigma. Dementia-friendly communities have the potential to provide a meaningful contribution
in this regard.

Dementia-friendly communities are defined as a concept that improves the participation of persons with dementia and increases their sense of security and appreciation. The aim of dementia-friendly communities is to improve communication and the knowledge and attitudes of persons from this community. This facilitates the normalisation of dementia in society. In addition, dementia-friendly communities also focus on social inclusion,
defined as a dynamic process in which persons are involved and are part of the social networks within a community.

Long-term care facilities are also part of dementia-friendly communities. Currently, knowledge is limited how nursing homes relate to dementia-friendly communities and their potential contribution. However, nursing homes are often still designed in such a way that residents cannot leave them independently, which limits residents with
dementia to venture outside and meet other persons.

This thesis attempts to answer the question whether nursing homes can contribute to dementia-friendly communities and the changes that are required. This thesis also identifies important stakeholders and underlying mechanisms within nursing homes that are important in changing the organisation of care. To gain insight into these stakeholders and mechanisms, research was conducted into the physical activity and agitated behaviour of residents, environmental factors of nursing homes, perspectives and behaviour of nursing staff regarding safety and autonomy and social networks between nursing staff, residents with dementia and family members in the community .