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Scientific Support for the European Commission in the field of (public) health: highlights from the four-year Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/03 by EUHealthSupport.

Hansen, J., Heide, I. van der, Baron, R., Rijken, M., Kroneman, M. Scientific Support for the European Commission in the field of (public) health: highlights from the four-year Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/03 by EUHealthSupport. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 10 p.
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The single framework contract allowed several Directorates-General to request the provision of scientific and/or logistic support services from EUHealthSupport. A total of 16 requests for service had been launched, all of which had been accepted by the consortium and executed successfully.
Topics of the requests ranged considerably. These included among others:

- Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the Member States;
- Disease prevention and health promotion (including major NCD areas, mental health, best practice exchange, implementation of research into policy);
- Cancer policies (including cancer screening, childhood cancer survivorship, alcohol labelling policies and quality of life of cancer survivors);
- COVID-19 related studies (including studies on COVID-19 policy responses, post-COVID surveillance, contact tracing, crisis related stockpiling and procurement of medical countermeasures and Long
- Pharmaceutical policies; Implementing EU reference laboratories in the area of public health.

The broad range of topics implied that for each new request a multidisciplinary team was needed, often consisting of a core group of health systems and health policy experts, collaborating with or making use of expert advice from specialists in each of the areas above. In doing so, the consortium showed its ability to adjust
to different topic areas and to conduct activities beyond those originally specified in the framework contract.