CEO; professor 'Patient safety' at VU University / Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands
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The ties that bind? Social networks of nursing staff and staff’s behaviour towards residents with dementia.
Beek, A.P.A. van, Wagner, C., Frijters, D.H.M., Ribbe, M.W., Groenewegen, P.P. The ties that bind? Social networks of nursing staff and staff’s behaviour towards residents with dementia. Social Networks: 2013, 35(3), p. 347-356.
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This study investigated social networks of nursing staff and staff's behaviour towards residents with dementia. We focused on two types of networks: communication networks among staff, and networks between nursing staff and relatives/acquaintances of residents. Data was collected in 37 long-term care units in nursing- and residential homes in the Netherlands. In units with more networks between nursing staff and relatives of residents, staff treated residents with more respect and were more at ease with residents. Social networks were also positively related to staff's organizational identification which, in turn, related to their work motivation and their behaviour towards residents. (aut.ref.)
This study investigated social networks of nursing staff and staff's behaviour towards residents with dementia. We focused on two types of networks: communication networks among staff, and networks between nursing staff and relatives/acquaintances of residents. Data was collected in 37 long-term care units in nursing- and residential homes in the Netherlands. In units with more networks between nursing staff and relatives of residents, staff treated residents with more respect and were more at ease with residents. Social networks were also positively related to staff's organizational identification which, in turn, related to their work motivation and their behaviour towards residents. (aut.ref.)