Head of research unit Healthcare from the Perspective of Patients, Clients and Citizens; project coordinator Health Literacy and Patiënt Participation; professor 'Health literacy and patient participation', CAPHRI, Maastricht University, the Netherl...
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What is the evidence on existing policies and linked activities and their effectiveness for improving health
literacy at national, regional and organizational levels in the WHO European Region?
Rowlands, G., Russell, S., O'Donnell, A., Kaner, E., Tresona, A., Rademakers, J., Nutbeam, D. What is the evidence on existing policies and linked activities and their effectiveness for improving health
literacy at national, regional and organizational levels in the WHO European Region? Copenhagen: WHO, 2018. 52 p.
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This evidence synthesis describes health literacy policies in the WHO European Region: their distribution, organizational levels, antecedents, actors, activities and outcomes, along with the factors influencing their effectiveness.
This evidence synthesis describes health literacy policies in the WHO European Region: their distribution, organizational levels, antecedents, actors, activities and outcomes, along with the factors influencing their effectiveness.