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Groenewegen, P., Hansen, J., Fahy, N., Haarmann, A., Montante, S., Muscat, N.A., Poldrugovac, M., Ricciardi, W., Tomaselli, G. Priority setting and cross-country learning: the relevance of TO-REACH for primary care. Primary Health Care Research and Development
Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Moleman, Y., Hendriksen, J., Korevaar, J., Wijsman, L., Goderski, G., Hooiveld, M., Paget, J. Disease burden of an RSV infection in young children in primary care in the Netherlands: period October 2020 – September 2021: results RSV ComNet II-study: the Netherlands. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 8 p.
Dulmen, S. van, Roodbeen, R., Schulze, L., Prantl, K., Rookmaaker, M., Jaarsveld, B. van, Noordman, J., Abrahams, A. Practices and perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals on shared decision-making in nephrology. BMC Nephrology: 2022, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 258.
Barbazza, E., Verheij, R.A., Ramerman, L., Klazinga, N., Kringos, D. Optimising the secondary use of primary care prescribing data to improve quality of care: a qualitative analysis. BMJ Open: 2022, 12(7), p. Art. e062349.
Tran, P.B., Kazibwe, J., Nikolaidis, G.F., Linnosmaa, I., Rijken, M., Olmen, J. van. Costs of multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analyses. BMC Medicine: 2022, 20(1), p. Art. nr. 234.
Ramerman, L., Hek, K., Cramer-van der Welle, C., Simons-Winters, E., Middelweerd, A., Lambooij, A., Verheij, R. Incentivizing appropriate prescribing in primary care: development and first results of an electronic health record-based pay-for-performance scheme. Health Policy: 2022, 126(10), p.1010-1017.
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Kempen, T.G.H., Hedman, A., Gillespie, U. Drug-related emergency department visits in older patients: an applicability and reliability study of an existing assessment tool. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2022, 44(4), p. 1078-1082.
Dijk, L.M. van, Eikenhorst, L. van, Wagner, C. Daily practice performance (Work-as-Done) compared to guidelines (Work-as-Imagined) of medication reconciliation at discharge: Outcomes of a FRAM study. Safety Science: 2022, 155, p. Art. nr.105871.
Stortenbeker, I., Salm, L., olde Hartman, T.C., Stommel, W., Das, E., Dulmen, S. van. Coding linguistic elements in clinical interactions: a step-by-step guide for analyzing communication form. BMC Medical Research Methodology: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 191.
Langeveld, T.J.C., Eilers, R., Haverkate, M.R., Ferreira, J.A., Veer, A.J.E. de, Timen, A. Nursing care for patients carrying multi-drug resistant organisms: experiences, intention to use protective equipment and ability to comply with measures. Journal of Clinical Nursing: 2023, 32(13-14), p. 3599-3612.
Wolsink-van Harlingen, A.O., Groen-van de Ven, L., Hasselaar, J., Thalen, J., Jukema, J., Vissers, K., Uitdehaag, M. Developing a toolkit for patients with COPD or chronic heart failure and their informal caregivers to improve person-centredness in conversations with healthcare professionals: a Deign Thinking approach. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(11), p 3324-3330.
Engelen, M., Gaal, B. van, Vermeulen, H., Zuidema, R., Bredie, S., Dulmen, S. van. The influencing contexts and potential mechanisms behind the use of online self-management support interventions: a realist evaluation. JMIR Human Factors: 2022, 9(3), p. Art. nr. e34925.
Schlinkert, C. Development and evaluation of the resilience analysis grid (RAG) in Dutch hospitals. BMJ Open Quality: 2022, 11(Suppl 2)
Bagaria, J., Jansen, T., Marques, D.F., Hooiveld, M., McMenamin, J., Lusigman, S. de, Vilcu, A.M., Meijer, A., Rodrigues, A.P., Brytting, M., Mazagatos, C., Cogdale, J., Werf, S. van der, Dijkstra, F., Guiomar, R., Enkirch, T., Valenciano, M. Rapidly adapting primary care sentinel surveillance across seven countries in Europe for COVID-19 in the first half of 2020: strengths, challenges, and lessons learnt. Eurosurveillance: 2022, 27(26), p. Art. nr. 2100864.
Dückers, M., Hoof, W. van, Willems, A., Brake, H. te. Appraising evidence-based mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) guidelines — PART II: a content analysis with implications for disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2022, 19(13), p. Art. nr. 7798.
Deursen, B. van, Hooiveld, M., Marks, S., Snijdewind, I., Kerkhof, H. van den, Wintermans, B., Bom, B., Schimmer, B., Fanoy, E. Increasing incidence of reported scabies infestations in the Netherlands, 2011–2021. PLoS One: 2022, 17(6), p. Art. nr. e0268865.
Klop, H.T., Veer, A.J.E. de, Gootjes, J.R.G., Mheen, D. van de, Laere, I.R. van, Slockers, M.T., Onwuteaka‑Philipsen, B.D. Evaluating the perceived added value of a threefold intervention to improve palliative care for persons experiencing homelessness: a mixed‑method study among social service and palliative care professionals. BMC Palliative Care: 2022, 21(1), p. Art. nr. 112.
Mora, D.C., Kristoffersen, A.E., Overvag, G., Jong, M.C., Mentink, M., Liu, J.P., Stubbe, J. Safety of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment among children and young adults who suffer from adverse effects of conventional cancer treatment: a systematic review. Integrative Cancer Therapies: 2022, 21
Ligt, K.M. de, Rooij, B.H. de, Walraven, I., Heins, M.J., Verloop, J., Siesling, S., Korevaar, J.C., Poll-Franse, L.V. van de. Varying severities of symptoms underline the relevance of personalized follow-up care in breast cancer survivors: latent class cluster analyses in a cross-sectional cohort. Supportive Care in Cancer: 2022, 30(10), p. 7873-7883.
Rademakers, J., Hahnraths, M.T.H., Schayck, O.C.P. van, Heijmans, M. Children’s health literacy in relation to their BMI z-score, food intake and physical activity; a cross-sectional study among 8-11-year-old children in the Netherlands. Children: 2022, 9(6), p. Art. nr. 925.
Wiel, H.J. van de, Groen, W.G., Kampshoff, C.S., Buffart, L.M., Mechelen, W. van, Schep, G., Sonke, G.S., Huijsmans, R., Harten, W.H. van, Aaronson, N.K., Stuiver, M.M. Construct validity of the Steep Ramp Test for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with breast cancer, and the impact of chemotherapy-related symptom burden. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: 2022, 103(12), p. 2362-2367.
Peeters, L., Kappers, M.H.W., Hesselink, D.A., Net, J.B. van der, Hartong, S.C.C., Bahmany, S., Massay, E., Dijk, L. van, Gelder, T. van, Koch, B.C.P., Versmissen, J. Resistant hypertension improved after 3 and 6 months by measuring drug levels to identify non-adherence. Journal of Hypertension: 2022, 40(Suppl. 1), p. e307-e308.
Scheffer, M., Menting, J., Roodbeen, R., Dulmen, S. van, Hecke, M. van, Schlingemann, R., Nispen, R. van, Boeije, H. Patients’ and health professionals’ views on shared decision-making in age-related macular degeneration care: a qualitative study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics: 2022
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Heide, I. van der, Moye Holz, D., Rijken, M., Hansen, J. Access to financial products for persons with a history of cancer in EU Member States: an explorative study. Luxembourg: European Union, 2022. 91 p.
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Dankers, M., Berk-Bulsink, M.J.E., Dalfsen-Slingerland, M. van, Nelissen-Vrancken, H.J.M.G., Mantel-Teeuwisse, A.K., Dijk, L. van. Non-adherence to guideline recommendations for insulins: a qualitative study amongst primary care practitioners. BMC Primary Care: 2022, 23, p. Art. nr. 150.
Voss, H., Watson, J., Bloomer, M.J. End-of-life issues and support needs of people with severe and profound disability. In: Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. (eds) End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. This chapter is available from the publisher.
Alders, I., Smits, C., Brand, P., Dulmen, S. van. Patient coaching: what do patients want? A mixed methods study in waiting rooms of outpatient clinics. PLoS One: 2022, 17(6), p. Art. nr. e0269677.
Liemburg, G.B., Korevaar, J.C., Zomeren, W.T.G. van, Berendsen, A.J., Brandenburg, D. Follow-up of curatively treated cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of the views of Dutch GPs. British Journal of General Practice: 2022, 72(721), p. e592-e600.
Meekes, W.M.A., Leemrijse, C.J., Korevaar, J.C., Stanmore, E.K., Goor, L.I.A.M. van de. Implementing falls prevention in primary care: barriers and facilitators. Clinical Interventions in Aging: 2022, 17, p. 885-902.
Kissling, E., Hooiveld, M., Martínez-Baz, I., Mazagatos, C., William, N., Vilcu, A.M., Kooijman, M.N., Ilić, M., Domegan, L., Machado, A., Lusignan, S. de, Lazar, M., Meijer, A., Brytting, M., Casado, I., Larrauri, A., Murray, J.L.K., Behillil, S., Gier, B. de, Mlinarić, I., O'Donnell, J., Rodrigues, A.P., Tsang, R., Timnea, O., Lange, M. de, Riess, M., Castilla, J., Pozo, F., Hamilton, M., Falchi, A., Knol, M.J., Kurečić Filipović, S., Dunford, L., Guiomar, R., Cogdale, J., Cherciu, C., Jansen, T., Enkirch, T., Basile, L., Connell, J., Gómez, V., Sandonis Martín, V., Bacci, S., Rose, A., Pastore Celentano, L., Valenciano, M. Effectiveness of complete primary vaccination against COVID-19 at primary care and community level during predominant Delta circulation in Europe: multicentre analysis, I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC networks, July to August 2021. Eurosurveillance: 2022, 27(21), p. Art. nr. 2101104.
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