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Ballering, A., olde Hartman, T., Verheij, R., Rosmalen, J. Sex and gender differences in help-seeking of patients with somatic symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2022, 157, p. 110823. Conference abstract held on 8 September 2021, held at start Nederlandse Vereniging Gender & Gezondheid (NVG&G), The Netherlands
Wiegersma, S., Del Riccio, M., Staadegaard, L., Paget, J. Landscape analysis of modelling activities around the world regarding the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on influenza activity. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 10 p.
Ramerman, L., Rijpkema, C., Bos, N., Flinterman, L.E., Verheij, R.A. The use of out-of-hours primary care during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Health Services Research: 2022, 22(2), p. Art. nr. 679.
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Portegijs, S., Beek, A.P.A. van, Tuyl, L.H.D. van, Wagner, C. ''We usually choose safety over freedom'': results from focus groups with professional caregivers in long-term dementia care. BMC Health Services Research: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 677.
Dijkstra, R.I., Elbers, N.A., Friele, R.D., Pemberton, A. Medical Dispute Committees in the Netherlands: a qualitative study of patient expectations and experiences. BMC Health Services Research: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 650.
Groenewegen, P., Dirkzwager, A., Dam, A. van, Massalimova, D., Sirdifield, C. The health of detainees and the role of primary care: position paper of the European Forum for Primary Care. Primary Health Care Research and Development: 2022, 23(e29)
Hulst, F.J.P. van der, Holst, L., Brabers, A.E.M., Jong, J.D. de. To what degree are health insurance enrollees in the Netherlands aware of the restrictive conditions attached to their policies? Health Policy: 2022, 126(7), p. 693-703.
Groenewegen, P.P., Spreeuwenberg, P., Siriwardena, A.N., Sirdifield, C., Willems, S. Migrant GPs and patients: a cross-sectional study of practice characteristics, patient experiences and migration concordance. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care: 2022, 40(2), p. 181-189.
Hogervorst, S., Vervloet, M., Adriaanse, M.C., Zamboni, K., Zullig, L.L., Schoonmade, L., Hugtenburg, J.G., Dijk, L. van. Scalability of effective adherence interventions for patients using cardiovascular disease medication: a realist synthesis-inspired systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: 2022, 89(9), p.2939-2939. Correction to: “Scalability of effective adherence interventions for patients using cardiovascular disease medication: A realist synthesis-inspired systematic review”.
Gaag, M. van der, Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J. Preferences regarding self-management intervention outcomes of Dutch chronically ill patients with limited health literacy. Frontiers in Public Health: 2022
Knottnerus, B., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J. The role of primary care in informing and supporting people with limited health literacy in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study. BMC Primary Care: 2022, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 115.
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Summeren, J. van. Management of childhood functional constipation in primary care Groningen: RUG, 2022. 169 p. Proefschrift van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Wesenhagen, K.E.J., Gobom, J., Bos, I., Vos, S.J.B., Martinez-Lage, P., Popp, J., Tsolaki, M., Vandenberghe, R., Freund-Levi, Y., Verhey, F., Lovestone, S., Streffer, J., Dobricic, V., Bertram, L., Blennow, K., Pikkarainen, M., Hallikainen, M., Kuusisto, J., Laakso, M., Soininen, H., Scheltens, P., Zetterberg, H., Teunissen, C.E., Visser, P.J., Tijms, B.M. Effects of age, amyloid, sex, and APOE ε4 on the CSF proteome in normal cognition. Alzheimers & Dementia: 2022, 14(1), p. Art. e12286.
Herter, W.E., Khuc, J., Cinà, G., Knottnerus, B., Numans, M.E., Wiewel, M.A., Bonten, T.N., Bruin, D.P. de, Esch, T. van, Chavannes, N.H., Verheij, R.A. Impact of a machine learning–based decision support system for urinary tract infections: prospective observational study in 36 primary care practices. JMIR Medical Informatics: 2022, 10(5), p. Art. nr. e27795.
Murugesu, L., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J., Fransen, M.P. Challenges and solutions in communication with patients with low health literacy: Perspectives of healthcare providers. PLoS One: 2022, 17(5), p. Art. nr. e0267782.
Veer, A. de, Groot, K. de, Verkaik, R. Home care for patients with dirty homes: a qualitative study of the problems experienced by nurses and possible solutions. BMC Health Services Research: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 592.
Herpen, M.M. van, Dückers, M.L.A., Schaap, R., Olff, M., Brake, H. te. Online one-stop shop for disaster response services after the MH17 airplane crash: an evaluation study. Frontiers in Public Health: 2022, 10, p. Art. nr. 832840.
Wezel, N. van. Knowing about forgetting: perspectives and outcomes regarding dementia in family caregivers with a Turkish, Moroccan or Surinamese migration background. Utrecht / Amersfoort: Nivel / Alzheimer Nederland, 2022. 207 p. p. Proefschrift van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Heins, M.J., Ligt, K.M. de, Verloop, J., Siesling, S., Korevaar, J.C. Opportunities and obstacles in linking large health care registries: the primary secondary cancer care registry - breast cancer. BMC Medical Research Methodology: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 124.
Meurs, M., Keuper, J., Sankatsing, V., Batenburg, R., Tuyl, L. van. ‘Get used to the fact that some of the care is really going to take place in a different way’: general practitioners’ experiences with e-health during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2022, 19(9)
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Baartmans, M.C., Hooftman, J., Zwaan, L., Schoten, S.M. van, Erwich, J.J.H.M., Wagner, C. What can we learn from in-depth analysis of human errors resulting in diagnostic errors in the emergency department: an analysis of serious adverse event reports. Journal of Patient Safety: 2022, 18(8), p. e1135-e1141.
Hibbert, P.D., Molloy, C.J., Wiles, L.K., Cameron, I.D., Gray, L.C., Reed, R.L., Kitson, A., Georgiou, A., Gordon, S.J., Westbrook, J., Arnolda, G., Mitchell, R.J., Rapport, F., Estabrooks, C., Alexander, G.L., Vincent, C., Edwards, A., Carson-Stevens, A., Wagner, C., McCormack, B., Braithwaite, J. Designing clinical indicators for common residential aged care conditions and processes of care: the CareTrack Aged development and validation study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care: 2022
Bakker, M.M., Putrik, P., Dikovec, C., Rademakers, J., Vonkeman, H.E., Kok, M.R., Voorneveld-Nieuwenhuis, H., Ramiro, S., Wit, M. de, Buchbinder, R., Batterham, R., Osborne, R.H., Boonen, A. Exploring discordance between Health Literacy Questionnaire scores of people with RMDs and assessment by treating health professionals. Rheumatology: 2022, 62(1), p. 52-64.
Wiersema, C., Oude Voshaar, R.C., Brink, R.H.S. van den, Wouters, H., Verhaak, P., Comijs, H.C., Jeuring, H.W. Determinants and consequences of polypharmacy in patients with a depressive disorder in later life. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica: 2022, 146(1), p. 85-97.
Batenburg, R., Kroezen, M. Education and planning: anticipating and responding to skill gaps, changing skill needs and competencies. In: C.Maier, M. Kroezen, R. Busse & M. Wismar, (Eds.). Skill-mix Innovation, Effectiveness and Implementation Improving Primary and Chronic Care. New York: Cambridge University Press. Series: European observatory on health systems and policies p. 294-320.
Oosterveld-Vlug, M.G., Heins, M.J., Boddaert, M.S.A., Engels, Y., Heide, A. van der, Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D., Reyners, A.K.L., Francke, A.L. Evaluating quality of care at the end of life and setting best practice performance standards: a population-based observational study using linked routinely collected administrative databases. BMC Palliative Care: 2022, 21(1), p. Art. nr. 51.
Wezel, N. van, Heide, I. van der, Devillé, W.L.J.M., Blom, M.M., Hoopman, R., Francke, A.L. Knowledge about dementia among family caregivers with a Turkish or Moroccan immigrant background: development and validation of a Dementia Knowledge Scale. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health: 2022, 13, p. 1-9.
Winkelmann, J., Williams, G.A., Rijken, M., Polin, K., Maier, C.B. Chronic conditions and multimorbidity: skill-mix innovations for enhanced quality and coordination of care. In: Maier, B., Kroezen, M., Busse, R., Wismar, M. Skill-mix Innovation, Effectiveness and Implementation: Improving Primary and Chronic Care. Cambridge University Press, 2022. p. 152-220.
Batenburg, R., Kroezen, M. Education and planning: anticipating and responding to skill gaps, changing skill needs and competencies. New York: Camebridge University Press, 2022.
Hek, K., Boogaerts, T., Verheij, R.A., Loof, H. de, Dijk, L. van, Nuijs, A.L.N. van, Meijer, W.M., Philips, H. Opioid prescribing in out-of-hours primary care in Flanders and the Netherlands: a retrospective cross-sectional study PLoS One: 2022, 17(4), p. Art. e0265283.
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