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Maurel, M., Mazagatos, C., Goerlitz, L., Oroszi, B., Hooiveld, M., Machado, A., Domegan, L., Ilić, M., Popescu, R., Sève, N., Martínez-Baz, I., Larrauri, A., Buda, S., Túri, G., Meijer, A., Gómez, V., O'Donnell, J., Mlinarić, I., Timnea, O., Ordax Diez, A., Dürrwald, R., Horváth, J.K., Dijkstra, F., Rodrigues, A.P., McKenna, A., Kurečić Filipović, S., Lazar, M., Kaczmarek, M., Bacci, S., Kissling, E. Exploring the effect of clinical case definitions on influenza vaccine effectiveness estimation at primary care level: Results from the end-of-season 2022-23 VEBIS multicentre study in Europe. Vaccine: 2024, 42(16), p. 3547-3554.
Stuijt, P.J.C., Heringa, M., Dijk, L. van, Faber, A., Burgers, J.S., Feenstra, T.L., Taxis, K., Denig, P. Effects of a multicomponent communication training to involve older people in decisions to DEPRESCRIBE cardiometabolic medication in primary care (CO-DEPRESCRIBE): protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
with embedded process and economic evaluation. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 210.
Engelaar, M., Bos, N., Schelven, F. van, Lorenzo I Sunyer, N., Couespel, N., Apolone, G., Brunelli, C., Caraceni, A., Ferrer, M., Groenvold, M., Kaasa, S., Ciliberto, G., Lombardo, C., Pietrobon, R., Pravettoni, G., Sirven, A., Vachon, H., Gilbert, A., Rademakers, J. Collaborating with cancer patients and informal caregivers in a European study on quality of life: protocol to embed patient and public involvement within the EUonQoL project. Research Involvement and Engagement: 2024, 10(1)
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Schouten, B., Schoten, S.M. van, Bijnsdorp, F.M., Merten, H., Nanayakkara, P.W.B., Reyners, A.K.L., Francke, A.L., Wagner, C. Adverse events at the end of life of hospital patients with or without a condition relevant for palliative care: a nationwide retrospective record review study in the Netherlands. BMC Palliative Care: 2024, 23, p. Art. nr. 145.
McGhie-Fraser, B., McLoughlin, C., Lucassen, P., Ballering, A., Dulmen, S. van, Brouwers, E., Stone, J., Olde Hartman, T. Measuring persistent somatic symptom related stigmatisation: Development of the Persistent Somatic Symptom Stigma scale for Healthcare Professionals (PSSS-HCP). Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2024, 181, p. Art. nr. 111689.
Baartmans, M.C. Patient safety and medical devices: interacting contributing factors leading to unintended patient harm. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2024. 203 p. Proefschrift van de Vrije Universiteit
Berg, M. van den, Kendir, C., Castelblanco, D., Larrain, N., Guanais, F., Ballester, M., Bloemeke, J., Boerma, W., Bosnjak, L., Doorduijn, A., Gilbert, M., Groene, O., Illarramendi, P., Porter, I., Rehsi, A., Spreeuwenberg, P., Suñol, R., Thomas, L., Threadgold, L., Timans, R., Valderas, J.M., Williams, R., Worlledge, G., Jong, J. de, Rijken, M. PaRIS Field Trial Report: technical report on the conduct and results of the Field Trial of the international PaRIS survey of people living with chronic conditions.: OECD, 2024. 86 p.
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Groenewegen, P., Spreeuwenberg, P., Timans, R., Groene, O., Suñol, R. Data analysis plan of the OECD PaRIS survey: leveraging a multi-level approach to analyse data collected from people living with chronic conditions and their primary care practices in 20 countries. BMC Research Notes: 2024, 17(1), p. Art. nr. 157.
Kroneman, M., Williams, G.A., Winkelmann, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Davidovics, K., Groenewegen, P.P. Personal protective equipment for healthcare workers during COVID-19: developing and applying a questionnaire and assessing associations between infection rates and shortages across 19 countries. Health Policy: 2024, 146, p. Ar. nr. 105097.
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Tejedor García. C., Heuvel, H. van den, Hessen, A.J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Pieters, T. An innovative methodology utilizing AI-based automatic speech recognition for transcribing Dutch patient-provider consultation recordings. Zenodo: 2024, p. 4. Presentation of the Digital Humanities Benelux 2024 Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 4-7 June 2024
Laniece Delaunay, C., Melo, A., Maurel, M., Mazagatos, C., Goerlitz, L., O'Donnell, J., Oroszi, B., Sève, N., Rodrigues, A.P., Martínez-Baz, I., Meijer, A., Mlinarić, I., Latorre-Margalef, N., Lazar, M., Pérez-Gimeno, G., Dürrwald, R., Bennett, C., Túri, G., Rameix-Welti, M.A., Guiomar, R., Castilla, J., Hooiveld, M., Kurečić Filipović, S., Samuelsson Hagey, T., Dijkstra, F., Borges, V., Ramos Marín, V., Bacci, S., Kaczmarek, M., Kissling, E. Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines administered in the 2023 autumnal campaigns in Europe: Results from the VEBIS primary care test-negative design study, September 2023-January 2024. Vaccine: 2024
Kollmann, J., Sana, S., Magnée, T., Boer, S., Merkelbach, I., Kocken, P., Denktas, S. Patients' and professionals' experiences with remote care during COVID-19: a qualitative study in general practices in low-income neighborhoods. Primary Health Care Research and Development: 2024, 25, p. Art. nr. e32.
Smits, M., Langelaan, M., Groot, J. de, Wagner, C. Examining causes and prevention strategies of adverse events in deceased hospital patients: a retrospective patient record review study in the Netherlands. Journal of Patient Safety: 2021, 17(4), p. 282-289.
Dijkstra, R.I., Elbers, N.A., Pemberton, A., Friele, R.D. The defendant as the reluctant player in the adversarial setting of medical dispute committees. Erasmus Law Review: 2024(2), p. 10.
Achterbosch, M., Hei, S.J. van de, Dierick, B.J.H., Kocks, J.W.H., Berge, M. van den, Kerstjens, H.A.M., Been-Buck, S., Klemmeier, T., Dijk, L. van, Boven, J.F.M. van. Usability and feasibility of the Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) Toolkit in daily clinical practice: the BANANA study. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine: 2024, 34, p. Art. nr. 13.
Damen, L.J., Tuyl, L.H.D. van, Knottnerus, B.J., Jong, J.D. de. General practitioners’ perspectives on relocating care: a Dutch interview study. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25, p. Art. nr. 186.
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Wieland-Jorna, Y., Kooten, D. van, Verheij, R.A., Man, Y. de, Francke, A.L., Oosterveld-Vlug, M.G. Natural language processing systems for extracting information from electronic health records about activities of daily living: a systematic review JAMIA Open: 2024, 7(2), p. Art. nr. ooae044.
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Zeijen, V.J.M., Peeters, L.E.J., Asman, A., Boersma, E., Massey, E.K., Dijk, L. van, Daemen, J., Versmissen, J. Quality-of-life and beliefs about medication in relation to a therapy adherence intervention in resistant hypertension: the Resistant HYpertension: MEasure to ReaCh Targets trial. Journal of Hypertension: 2024, 42(10), p. 1687-1694.
Kempen, T.G.H., Dijk, L. van, Floor-Schreudering, A., Kohli, A., Kwint, H.F., Schackmann, L., Tuyl, L.H.D. van, Heringa, M. Potential for pharmacist prescribing in primary care: a Dutch citizen perspective. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy: 2024, p. Art. nr. 100453.
Del Riccio, M., Caini, S., Bonaccorsi, G., Lorini, C., Paget, J., Velden, K. van der, Cosma, C. Influenza vaccination and COVID-19 infection risk and disease severity: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of prospective studies. American Journal of Infection Control: 2024, 52(9), p. 1091-1098.
Medina-Aedo, M., Beltran, J., Valli, C., Canelo-Aybar, C., Song, Y., Ballester, M., Bowman-Busato, J., Christogiannis, C., Grammatikopoulou, M.G., Groene, O., Heijmans, M., Hoogendoorn, M., Killeen, S.L., Kontouli, K.M., Mavridis, D., Miñambres, I., Mueller, B.S., Niño de Guzmán, E., Noordman, J., Orrego, C., Perestelo-Perez, L., Saz-Parkinson, Z., Seitidis, G., Suñol, R., Tsokani, S., Alonso-Coello, P. Recommendations on self-management interventions for adults living with obesity: COMPAR-EU project. Clinical Obesity: 2024, 14(4), p. Art. nr. e12667.
Bloemeke-Cammin, J., Ballester, M., Guanais, F., Groenewegen, P., Kendir, C., Porter, I., Rehsi, A., Rijken, M., Spreeuwenberg, P., Suñol, R., Valderas, J.M., Williams, R., Berg, M. van den. International cross-cultural development and field testing of the primary care practice questionnaire for the PaRIS survey (PaRISPCPQ). BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 168.
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Andreasson, A., Agreus, L., Mastellos, N., Bliźniuk, G., Waśko-Czopnik D., Angelaki, A., Theodosaki, E., Lionis, C., Hek, K., Verweij, R., Wright, E., Durbana, S., Muris, J., Bródka, P., Saganowski, S., Ethier, J.F., Curcin, V., Delaney, B. Effect of on-demand vs continuous prescription of proton pump inhibitors on symptom burden and quality of life: results of a real-world randomized controlled trial in primary care patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Annals of Medicine: 2024, 56(1), p. Art. nr. 2354683.
Reedijk, M., Portengen, L., Auvinen, A., Kojo, K., Heinavaara, S., Feychting, M., Tettamanti, G., Hillert, L., Elliott, P., Toledano, M.B., Smith, R.B., Heller, J., Schüz, J., Deltour, I., Poulsen, A.H., Johansen, C., Verheij, R., Peeters, P., Rookus, M., Traini, E., Huss, A., Kromhout, H., Vermeulen, R. Regression calibration of self-reported mobile phone use to optimize quantitative risk estimation in the COSMOS study. American Journal of Epidemiology: 2024, 193(10), p. 1482-1493.
Voskanyan, V., Marzorati, C., Sala, D., Grasso, R., Pietrobon, R., Heide, I. van der, Engelaar, M., Bos, N., Caraceni, A., Couspel, N., Ferrer, M., Groenvold, M., Kaasa, S., Lombardo, C., Sirven, A., Vachon, H., Velikova, G., Brunelli, C., Apolone, G., Pravettoni, G. Psychosocial factors associated with quality of life in cancer survivors: umbrella review. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinicial Oncology: 2024, 150(5), p. Art. nr. 249.
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Dros, J.T., Dijk, C.E. van, Böcker, K.B.E., Bruins Slot, L.C.J.A.F., Verheij, R.A., Meijboom, B.R., Dik, J.W., Bos, I. Healthcare utilization patterns of individuals with depression after national policy to increase the mental health workforce in primary care: a data linkage study. BMC Primary Care: 2024, 25(1), p. Art. nr. 15.
Engelen, M.M., Franken, M.C.J.P., Stipdonk, L.W., Horton, S.E., Jackson, V.E., Reilly, S., Morgan, A.T., Fisher, S.E., Dulmen, S. van, Eising, E. The association between stuttering burden and psychosocial aspects of life in adults. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research: 2024, 67(5), p. 1385-1399.
Caini, S., Meijer, A., Nunes, M.C., Henaff, L., Zounon, M., Boudewijns, B., Del Riccio, M., Paget, J. Probable extinction of influenza B/Yamagata and its public health implications: a systematic literature review and assessment of global surveillance databases. Lancet Microbe: 2024, 5(8), p. Art. nr. 100851.
Hogervorst, S., Adriaanse, M.C., Vervloet, M., Teichert, M., Beckeringh, J.J., Dijk, L. van. A survey on the implementation of clinical medication reviews in community pharmacies within a multidisciplinary setting. BMC Health Services Research: 2024, 24, p. Art. nr. 575.
Wiegersma, A.M., Boots, A., Bussel, E.F. van, Lissenberg, B.I., Nielen, M.M.J., Roseboom, T., Rooij, S.R. de. Prenatal exposure to the 1944-45 Dutch famine and risk for dementia up to age 75: an analysis of primary care Data. Current Alzheimer Research: 2024, 21(2), p. 101-108.
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