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From the boardroom to the bedside and back: a study on the relationship between hospital governance, quality management and the quality of care.

Botje, D. From the boardroom to the bedside and back: a study on the relationship between hospital governance, quality management and the quality of care. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2017. 188 p. Proefschrijft Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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This thesis aims to gain more insight into the arrangements of data collection of performance indicators for external accountability and its use for internal quality management in 14 hospitals in The Netherlands. Findings show that hospitals have different ways of collecting data for performance indicators and different ways of using- and not using- these data for internal quality management. Factors such as ‘linking pin champions’, pro-active quality managers and engaged medical specialists seem to make a difference. In addition, a homogenous data infrastructure appears to facilitate the production of usable performance indicators.