For its research, Nivel makes use of the databases and the panels it features. With this infrastructure we conduct research in three domains: patients, clients and citizens; healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations; policy makers in healthcare.
Our national Databases and Panels
Making use of our panels and registrations both nationally and internationally
The national databases and panels of Nivel are financed by the Dutch ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, for whom we conduct research on a regular basis. This research has an impact on national healthcare policy issues.
Furthermore, our panels and registrations are being used for research purposes of other national and international organisations. In those research projects Nivel functions as a collaborating partner as well as a provider of data and other research results.
What can we do for you?
For more information about one of the databases or panels, please take a look at their individual pages (submenu) and contact the Nivel contacts mentioned there on the right.
For more information about Nivel as a partner in International healthcare services research in general, please feel free to contact our head of reaearch unit Primary Care prof. Jeroen Hasselaar. We look forward to getting in touch with you!
We present to you our national databases and panels:
Nivel's two databases with registries in healthcare
With our registries we feature a large amount of data at Nivel, often collected over many years. This allows us to contribute to research with new, innovative research methods such as research with predictive models, big data analyses such as machine learning and network analyses.

Nivel Primary Care Database
Nivel Primary Care Database (in Dutch ‘Nivel Zorgregistraties Eerste Lijn’) uses routinely recorded data from healthcare providers to monitor health and utilisation of health services in a representative sample of the Dutch population. Nivel Primary Care Database facilitates our research on developments in health and on the use of primary healthcare services in the Netherlands.

Nivel Healthcare Professionals Registries
Nivel features the registries of the following healthcare professions: General Practitioners, Midwives, Remedial therapists and Occupational therapists. The aim of the Healthcare Professionals Registries is to monitor on a continuous basis of the number, composition and regional supply of healthcare professionals. In doing so we support policy makers in healthcare to make their policy measures.
Nivel's panel of healthcare professionals
Nivel features a enormous panel; the Nivel Nursing Staff Panel. Research with this panel concerns changes in the labor market, the content of the work healthcare professionals conduct and the collaboration of these professionals with the social domain.

Nivel Nursing Staff Panel
The Nivel Nursing Staff Panel consists of healthcare providers who nurse, take care and guide patients and clients. Numerically, together they form the largest healthcare employees group. By doing research with this panel we collect information on opinions and experiences of nurses on issues concerning the content of their professional, their working conditions and their work experience.
Nivel's four panels of healthcare users
Through our panels of healthcare users we collect information on opinions, knowledge, experiences and needs concerning the healthcare of these groups of people.

Nivel’s Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel
The Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel consists of almost 12,000 people aged 18 years and older. Together they form a representative reflection on the general Dutch population aged 18 years and older. With this panel we do research on the experiences, opinions and and expectations on Dutch healthcare.

Nivel’s National Panel of the Chronically ill and Disabled
The National Panel of the Chronically ill and Disabled is a nationwide Dutch panel, established to gather information on the consequences of chronic disease and disability from a patient perspective. By gathering information on the consequences of chronic disease and disability from a patient perspective, we aim to support policymakers in improving the care for chronically ill and disabled members of our society.

Nivel Panel Living Together - people with intellectual disabilities and family members
With the Nivel Panel Living Together we gain information on the care and living situation of people with an intellectual disability and their relatives, from their perspective. By gathering this information we aim to support policymakers in improving the care and possibilities or these members of our society.

Nivel Panel of People with Lung Disease
With the Nivel Panel of People with Lung Disease we gather information about the care and living situation of people with a chronic lung disease in the Netherlands, from the perspective of the patients themselves. In gathering information, we aim to support policymakers in improving the care for these patients. This panel is funded by the Dutch Lung Foundation.

Nivel’s Method Citizen Platform
We regularly make use of the Nivel Method Citizen Platform to gain more and deeper insight into what concerns the people in healthcare topics. The platform consists of a group of citizens and / or patients who meet regularly and in varying composition to discuss a complex healthcare issue. The outcomes of platform meetings help policymakers and other stakeholders to further develop policy and to explain this policy properly to the people.