With the Nivel Panel Living Together we gain information on the care and living situation of people with a intellectual disability and their relatives, from their perspective.
With the Nivel Panel Living Together we gain information on the care and living situation of people with a intellectual disability and their relatives, from their perspective.
Nivel's Panel Living Together is part of Nivel's research infrastructure, which consists of panels, national databases and monitors. With this research infrastructure, Nivel provides relevant information from different perspectives: that of patients, clients and citizens, that of healthcare providers and that of the organisation of healthcare.
By gathering information on the care and living situation of people with an intellectual disability and relatives from their perspective, we aim to support policy makers in improving the care and possibilities for these members of our society.
The Nivel Panel Living Together consists of:
The panel members with intellectual disabilities are invited once every two years for an oral interview at their homes. The questions mainly concern participation issues: whether and how they participate in society and how they wish to participate.
Relatives receive a questionnaire once a year with questions about participation of the panel member with an intellectual disability in society.
We value the privacy of people and organizations that participate in our registrations. In our Privacy Regulations for the Nivel Panel Living Together (in Dutch) we state what data we collect, how we manage it, what data we may provide to third parties and what the rights of the registered participants are. Hereby we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that took effect in EU in 2018:
Results of research with the panel you can find at Publications on this website, where you can fill in your own search entrance (such as 'intellectual disabilities').
The Nivel Panel Living Together is financed by the Dutch ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
For more information about research with the Nivel Panel Living Together, please send an e-mail to samenleven@nivel.nl or contact one of the Nivel contacs on the right.
For more information on conducting research together with Nivel in general, go to Nivel, partner in international research.
We look forward to getting in touch with you.