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Rademaker, M.M., Stegeman, I., Hooiveld, M., Stokroos, R.J., Smit, A.L. Patients with tinnitus use more primary healthcare compared to patients without tinnitus. Scientific Reports: 2021, 11, p. art. nr. 17299.
Pokhilenko, I., Esch, T.E.M. van, Brabers, A.E.M., Jong, J.D. de. Relationship between trust and patient involvement in medical decision-making: a cross-sectional study. PLoS One: 2021, 16(8), p. art. nr. e0256698.
Geurts, E.M.A., Pittens, C.A.C.M., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Persuasive communication in medical decision-making during consultations with patients with limited health literacy in hospital-based palliative care. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(5), p. 1130-1137.
Tuyl, L. van, Vrijhoef, B., Laurent, M., Bont, A. de, Batenburg, R. Broadening the scope of task shifting in the organisation of healthcare. International Journal of Care Coordination: 2021, 24(3-4), p. 91-95.
Grootven, B. van, Jepma, P., Rijpkema, C., Verweij, L., Leeflang, M., Daams, J., Deschodt, M., Milisen, K., Flamaing, J., Buurman, B. Prediction models for hospital readmissions in patients with heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.: , 2021. Art. nr. e047576 p.
Gaag, M. van der, Heijmans, M., Spoiala, C., Rademakers, J. The importance of health literacy for self-management: a scoping review of reviews. Chronic Illness: 2022, 18(2), p. 221–233.
Rademaker, M.M., Smit, A.L., Brabers, A.E.M., Jong, J.D. de, Stokroos, R.J., Stegeman, I. Using different cutoffs to define tinnitus and assess its prevalence: a survey in the Dutch general population. Frontiers in Neurology: 2021, p. Art. nr. 690192.
Hogervorst, S., Adriaanse, M., Brandt, H., Vervloet, M., Dijk, L. van, Hugtenburg, J. Feasibility study of a digitalized nurse practitioner-led intervention to improve medication adherence in type 2 diabetes patients in Dutch primary care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies: 2021, 7(1)
Summeren, J.J.G.T. van, Rizzo, C., Hooiveld, M., Korevaar, J.C., Hendriksen, J.M.T., Dückers, M.L.A., Loconsole, D., Chironna, M., Bangert, M., Demont, C., Meijer, A., Caini, S., Pandolfi, E., Paget, J. Evaluation of a standardised protocol to measure the disease burden of respiratory syncytial virus infection in young children in primary care. BMC Infectious Diseases: 2021, 21(1), p. nr. 705.
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Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Aspelund, G., Casalegno, J.S., Erna, G., Hoang, U., Lina, B., Lusignan, S. de, Teirlinck, A.C., Thors, V., Paget, J. Low levels of respiratory syncytial virus activity in Europe during the 2020/21 season: what can we expect in the coming summer and autumn/winter? Eurosurveillance: 2021, 26(29), p. nr. 2100639.
Osborne, J., Paget, J., Giles-Vernick, T., Kutalek, R., Napier, D., Baliatsas, C., Dückers, M. Community engagement and vulnerability in infectious diseases: a systematic review and qualitative analysis of the literature. Social Science & Medicine: 2021, 284(Sept), p. 114246.
Rijken, M., Stüssgen, R., Leemrijse, C., Boogerd, M., Korevaar, J. Priorities and preferences for care of people with multiple chronic conditions. Health Expectations: 2021, 24(4), p. 1300-1311.
Dirkzwager, A.J.E., Verheij, R., Nieuwbeerta, P., Groenewegen, P. Mental and physical health problems before and after detention: a matched cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe: 2021, 8, p. Art. nr. 100154.
Kissling, E., Hooiveld, M., Sandonis Martín, V., Martínez-Baz, I., William, N., Vilcu, A.M., Mazagatos, C., Domegan, L., Lusignan, S. de, Meijer, A., Machado, A., Brytting, M., Casado, I., Murray, J.L.K., Behillil, S., Larrauri, A., O'Donnell, J., Lange, M. de, Rodrigues, A.P., Riess, M., Castilla, J., Hamilton, M., Falchi, A., Pozo, F., Dunford, L., Cogdale, J., Janssen, T., Giomar, R., Enkirch, T., Burgui, C., Sigerson, D., Blanchon, T., Martínez Ochoa, E.M., Connell, J., Ellis, J., Gageldonk-Lafeber, R. van, Kislaya, I., Rose, A.M.C., Valenciano, M. Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project, Europe, December 2020 to May 2021. Eurosurveillance: 2021, 26(29)
Staadegaard, L., Caini, S., Wangchuk, S., Thapa, B., Almeida, W.A.F. de, Carvalho, F.C. de, Fasce, R.A., Bustos, P., Kyncl, J., Novakova, L., Caicedo, A.B., Mora Coloma, D.J. de, Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M., Huang, Q.S., Wood, T., Guiomar, R., Rodrigues, A.P., Lee, V.J.M., Ang, L.W., Cohen, C., Moyes, J., Larrauri, A., Delgado-Sanz, C., Demont, C., Bangert, M., Dückers, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J. Defining the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus around the world: National and subnational surveillance data from 12 countries Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2021, 16(6), p. 732-741.
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Heide, I. van der, Poureslami, I., Shum, J., Goldstein, R., Gupta, S., Aaron, S., Lavoie, K.L., Poirier, C., FitzGerald, J.M. Factors affecting health literacy as related to asthma and COPD management: learning from patient and health care professional viewpoints. Health Literacy Research and Practice: 2021, 5(3), p. e179-e193.
Heide, I. van der, Heins, M., Verheij, R., Hout, H.P.J. van, Francke, A., Joling, K. Prevalence of health problems and health-care use in partners of people with dementia: longitudinal analysis with routinely recorded health and administrative data. Gerontology: 2022, 68(4), p. 442-452.
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Reynolds, J., Gadsby, E., Rijken, M., Stoop, A., Espallargues, M., Lloyd, H.M., Close, J., Bruin, S. de. Measuring older peoples' experiences of person-centred coordinated care: experience and methodological reflections from applying a patient reported experience measure in SUSTAIN. International Journal of Integrated Care: 2021, 21(3)
Orrego, C., Ballester, M., Heijmans, M., Groene, O., Pardo-Hernandez, H., Niño de Guzmán, E. Talking the same language on patient empowerment: development and content validation of a taxonomy of self-management interventions for chronic conditions. Health Expectations: 2021, 24(5), p. 1626-1638.
Gallego-Alberto, L., Smaling, H.J.A., Francke, A.L., Brug, T. van de, Steen, J.T. van der. The relationship between guilt feelings, conflicts with staff and satisfaction with care in relatives of nursing home residents with dementia: a longitudinal analysis. Dementia: International Journal of Social Research and Practice: 2022, 21(1), p. 5-20.
Roodbeen, R.T.J. Beyond legislation: gaining insight into impact of raising the minimum legal drinking age. Tilburg: Tilburg University, 2021. 241 p. Proefschrift van de Tilburg University
Holtedahl, K., Borgquist, L., Donker, G.A., Buntinx, F., Weller, D., Campbell, C., Mansson, J., Hammersley, V., Braaten, T., Parajuli, R. Symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer, with differences between proximal and distal colon cancer: a prospective cohort study of diagnostic accuracy in primary care. BMC Family Practice: 2021, 22, p. Art. nr.148.
Roodbeen, R., Noordman, J., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision making in practice and the perspectives of health care professionals on video-recorded consultations with patients with low health literacy in the palliative phase of their disease. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice: 6, 2021(1)
Roodbeen, R.T.J., Noordman, J., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision-making in practice and the perspectives of health care professionals on video-recorded consultations with patients with low health literacy in the palliative phase of their disease. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice: 2021, 6(1)
Dulmen, S. van, Peereboom, E., Schulze, L., Prantl, K., Rookmaaker, M., Jaarsveld, B.C. van, Abrahams, A.C., Roodbeen, R. The use of implicit persuasion in decision-making about treatment for end-stage kidney disease. Peritoneal Dialysis International: 2022, 42(4), p. 377-386.
Alders, I.M.R., Dulmen, S. van, Smits, C.H.M., Marcus-Varwijk, A.E., Groen-van de Ven, L., Brand, P.L.P. Patient coaching in secondary care: healthcare professionals’ views on target group, intervention and coach profile. International Journal for Quality in Health Care: 2021, 33(3), p. mzab094.
Engelen, M., Dulmen, S. van, Vermeulen, H., Laat, E. de, Gaal, B. de. The content and effectiveness of self-management support interventions for people at risk of pressure ulcers: a systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies: 2021, 122(Oct), p. art. nr. 104014.
Kalsbeek, R.J. van, Pal, H.J.H. van der, Hjorth, L., Winther, J.F., Michel, G., Haupt, R., Uyttebroek, A., O'Brien, K., Kepakova, K., Follin, C., Muraca, M., Kepak, T., Araujo-Soares, V., Bardi, E., Blondeel, A., Bouwman, E., Brown, M.C., Frederiksen, L.E., Essiaf, S., Hermens, R.P.M.G., Kienesberger, A., Korevaar, J.C., Mader, L., Mangelschots, M., Mulder, R.L., Oever, S. van den, Rijken, M., Roser, K., Skinner, R., Pluijm, S.M.F., Loonen, J.J., Kremer, L.C.M. The European multistakeholder PanCareFollowUp project: novel, person-centred survivorship care to improve care quality, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and accessibility for cancer survivors and caregivers. European Journal of Cancer: 2021, 153, p. 74-85.
Smaling, H.J.A., Joling, K.J., Achterberg, W.P., Francke, A.L., Steen, J.T. van der. Measuring positive caregiving experiences in family caregivers of nursing home residents: a comparison of the Positive Experiences Scale, Gain in Alzheimer Care INstrument, and Positive Aspects of Caregiving questionnaire. Geriatrics & Gerontology International: 2021, 21(8), p. 636-643.
Johnson, E.K., Sylte, D., Chaves, S.S., Wang, X., Li, Y., Mahé, C., Nair, H., Paget, J., Pomeren, T. van, Shi, T., Viboud, C., James, S.L. Hospital utilization rates for influenza and RSV: a novel approach and critical assessment. Population Health Metrics: 2021, 19, p. Art. nr. 31.
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