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Kempen, T.G.H., Koumi, R., Sporrong, S.K. Pharmacists in general practice: what do they do? A qualitative case study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2023, 45(6), p. 1472-1482.
Heuvel, L. van, Caini, S., Dückers, M.L.A., Paget, J. Correction to: Assessment of the inclusion of vaccination as an intervention to reduce antimicrobial resistance in AMR national action plans: a global review. Globalization and Health: 2023, 19(1), p. Art. nr. 54. Erratum for Assessment of the inclusion of vaccination as an intervention to reduce antimicrobial resistance in AMR national action plans: a global review. van Heuvel L, Caini S, Dückers MLA, Paget J.
Global Health. 2022 Oct 17;18(1):85. doi: 10.1186/s12992-022-00878-6.
Fuijkschot, J., Stevens, J., Teheux, L., Loos, E. de, Rippen, H., Meurs, M., Groot, J. de. Development of the national Dutch PEWS: the challenge against heterogeneity and implementation difficulties of PEWS in the Netherlands. BMC Pediatrics: 2023, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 387.
Niño de Guzmán Quispe, E., Bracchiglione, J., Ballester, M., Groene, O., Heijmans, M., Martínez García, L., Noordman, J., Orrego, C., Rocha, C., Suñol, R., Alonso-Coello, P. Patients' and informal caregivers' perspectives on self-management interventions for type 2 diabetes mellitus outcomes: a mixed-methods overview of 14 years of reviews. Archives of Public Health: 2023, 81(1), p. Art. nr. 140.
Öcek, Z.A., Geise, M., Volkmann, A.M., Basili, A., Klunder, V., Coenen, M. Strengthening the social resilience of people living at the intersection of precariousness and migration during pandemics: action recommendations developed in Munich, Germany. Frontiers in Public Health: 2023, 11, p. Art. nr. 1201215.
Kool, L., Feijen-de Jong, E.I., Mastenbroek, N.J.J.M., Schellevis, F.G., Jaarsma, D.A.C. Midwives' occupational wellbeing and its determinants: a cross-sectional study among newly qualified and experienced Dutch midwives. Midwifery: 2023, 125, p. Art. nr. 103776.
Burau, V., Tenbensel, T., Denis, J.L., Dickinson, H., Gardner, K., Groenewegen, P., Kuhlmann, E. Varieties of governance versatility and institutions: comparing the governance of primary care performance in six jurisdictions. Public Policy and Administration: 2023
Heuvel, L. van, Paget, J., Dückers, M., Caini, S. The impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination on antibiotic use: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control: 2023, 12(1), p. Art. nr. 70.
Herpen, M.M. van, Dückers, M.L.A., Boer, D. de, Dorn, T., Fassaert, T., Groot, J. de, Holsappel-Brons, J.C., Olff, M., Brake, H. te. Defining and operationalizing key themes of high-quality psychosocial support using the concept mapping method: a tale of two contexts. Prehospital and Disaster Magazine: 2023, 38(Suppl. 1), p. s119. Abstract of the 22nd Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, May 2023
Scheffer, M.M.J., Coffeng, L.E., O'Mahony, J.F. Appropriateness of strategy comparisons in cost-effectiveness analyses of infant pneumococcal vaccination: a systematic review. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care: 2023, 39(1), p. Art. nr. e42.
Lotterman, A., Baliatsas, C., Rooij, M.M.T. de, Huss, A., Jacobs, J., Dückers, M., Boender, G.J., McCarthy, C., Heederik, D., Hagenaars, T.J., Yzermans, C.J., Smit, L.A.M. Increased risk of pneumonia amongst residents living near goat farms in different livestock-dense regions in the Netherlands. PLoS One: 2023, 18(7), p. e0286972.
Schackmann, L. Pharmacy staff-patient interactions in challenging situations: understanding the roots and ways to flourish patient-centered communication. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 210 p. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Beulens, A.J.W. The training and assessment of surgical skills in robot assisted surgery. Utrecht/Amsterdam: Nivel/VU Amsterdam, 2023. 420 p. Proefschrift van de Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Knap, L.J., Legemaate, J., Friele, R.D. The impact of ex-post legislative evaluations in healthcare: a mixed methods realist evaluation study protocol for conducting case studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods: 2023, 22
Moesker, M.J. Safety of antithrombotic care in Dutch hospitals. Utrecht/Amsterdam: Nivel, VU Medical Center, 2023. 158 p. Proefschrift van de Vrije Universiteit.
Rijpkema, C., Bos, N., Brandenbarg, D., Homburg, M., Beugel, G., Barkema, W.S., olde Hartman, T., Muris, J., Peters, L., Berger, M., Verheij, R.A., Ramerman, L. What can we learn from experiences in general practice during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research: 2023, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 696.
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Velden, P.G. van der, Contino, C., Vroege, L. de, Das, M., Bosmans, M., Zijlmans, J. The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms (ADS), persistent and chronic ADS among the adult general population and specific subgroups before and during the COVID-19 pandemic until December 2021. Journal of Affective Disorders: 2023, 338, p. 393-401.
Jirovsky-Platter, E., Grohma, P., Naher, N., Rodyna, R., Nabirye, C., Dückers, M., Ahmed, S.M., Osborne, J., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Giles-Vernick, T., Kutalek, R. Community engagement to tackle infectious threats: a viewpoint based on a social science mapping process in Bangladesh, Uganda, and Ukraine. Journal of Global Health: 2023, 13, p. Art. nr. 03025.
Kayaert, L., Sarink, D., Visser, M., Wees, D.A. van, Willemstein, I.J.M., Coul, E.L.M. Op de, Alexiou, Z.W., Vries, A. de, Kusters, J.M.A., Aar, F. van, Götz, H.M., Vanhommerig, J.W., Sighem, A.I. van, Benthem, B.H.B. van. Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2022. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2023. 168 p.
Arends, S.A.M., Thodé, M., Pasman, H.R.W., Francke, A.L., Jongerden, I.P. How physicians see nurses' role in decision-making about life-prolonging treatments in patients with a short life expectancy: an interview study. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 114, p. Art. nr. 107863.
McDonald, S.A., Teirlinck, A.C., Hooiveld, M., Asten, L. van, Meijer, A., Lange, M. de, Gageldonk-Lefeber, A.B. van, Wallinga, J. Inference of age-dependent case-fatality ratios for seasonal influenza virus subtypes A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 and B lineages using data from the Netherlands. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2023, 17(6), p. Art. nr. e13146.
Baâdoudi, F., Picavet, S.H.S.J., Hildrink, H.B.M., Hendrikx, R., Rijken, M., Bruin, S. de. Are older people worse off in 2040 regarding health and resources to deal with it? - Future developments in complex health problems and in the availability of resources to manage health problems in the Netherlands. Frontiers in Public Health: 2023, 11, p. Art. nr. 942526.
Beek, S. van, Groenewegen, P., Portegijs, S., Huygens, M., Völker, B. Social networks of neighbourhood inhabitants, residents of a care facility, and the nursing staff: a case study in two LTF facilities in the Netherlands. Alzheimers & Dementia: 2023, 19(56), p. e059073.
Gaag, M. van der, Heijmans, M., Valli, C., Orrego, C., Ballester, M., Rademakers, J. Self-management interventions for chronically ill patients with limited health literacy: a descriptive analysis. Chronic Illness: 2023, 20(4), p. 578-604.
Sočan, G., Boer, D. de, Murko, E., Kralj, M., Ropet, N., Zaletel, M. Psychometric validation of an instrument for measuring patient experiences with outpatient healthcare. Slovenian Journal of Public Health: 2023, 62(3), p. 153-161.
Schouten, B., Merten, H., Kremers, M.N.T., Greuningen, M. van, Wagner, C., Nanayakkara, P.W.B. Emergency department crowding and older patients: a nationwide retrospective cohort study. Acute Medicine: 2023, 22(2), p. 72-82.
Offerhaus, P., Haaren-Ten Haken, T.M. van, Keulen, J.K.J., Jong, J.D. de, Brabers, A.E.M., Verhoeven, C.J.M., Scheepers, H.C.J., Nieuwenhuijze, M. Regional practice variation in induction of labor in the Netherlands: does it matter? A multilevel analysis of the association between induction rates and perinatal and maternal outcomes. PLoS One: 2023, 18(6), p. Art. nr. e0286863.
Noordman, J., Heijmans, M., Poortvliet, R., Groene, O., Ballester, M., Ninov, L., Niño de Guzmán, E., Alonso-Coello, P., Orrego, C., Suñol, R. Identifying most important contextual factors for the implementation of self-management interventions: a Delphi study. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 114, p. Art. nr. 107843.
Dankers-de Mari, E.J.C.M., Vugth, A.J.A.H. van, Visee, H.C., Laurant, M.G.H., Batenburg, R., Jeurissen, P.P.T. The influence of government policies on the nurse practitioner and physician assistant workforce in the Netherlands, 2000-2022: a multimethod approach study. BMC Health Services Research: 2023, 23(1), p. Art. 580.
Marcec, R., Seils, L.A., González, A.I., Dubas-Jakóbczyk, K., Domagala, A., Dan, S., Flinterman, L., Likic, R., Batenburg, R. Tackling medical deserts: unearthing factors that influence medical students' attitudes and the path forward. Postgraduate Medical Journal: 2023, 99(1177), p. 1205-1206.
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