Societal challenge - Towards an inclusive society

One of the four societal challenges of the Nivel Research Agenda 2022-2024

Inclusion is about breaking down barriers and optimising opportunities tot participate in society for all people, including the more disadvantaged. To achieve this, we need to know how people from vulnerable groups percieve their role in society and what their experiences are in receiving care. In our research we focus on socio-economic health differences, participation and individual health skills.

The research we conduct in the framework of the societal challenge on how to move towards an inclusive society, is divided into three subjects.All relevant research information and results on these subjects you will find on the right of this webpage (Publications, Projects, News, etc.).

Nivel-icoon-U2-ParticipatieSubject: Participation of vulnerable groups in society

Participation refers to the ability to actively participate in society. It is an important indicator of people's well-being and quality of life.

  • With the Nivel Participation Monitor, we keep track of the extent to which elderly people, people with physical or mental disabilities, and people from the general population participate in society and we monitor their needs.
  • We strive to conduct our research with the people concerned. In this way, the appropriate subjects are addressed and the results are more in line with the target group.
  • With creative recruitment strategies and research methods of integrated care giving, we are also committed to improving the inclusion of hard-to-reach, disadvantaged groups.
Juliane Menting

During the COVID crisis, digital steps have been taken at a rapid pace. This also offers more opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in society.Juliane Menting Project leader Healthcare and Participation

Nivel-icoon-U2-GezondheidsverschillenSubject: Reducing health inequalities

The possibilities of living a healthy life are not equally distributed in the Netherlands. There are large socio-economic health inequalities. For example, having sufficient health skills is crucial to being self-reliant. The living environment also plays a role in the physical, financial, and intellectual environment.

  • We conduct research on how to deal with and reduce health literacy.
  • We combine insights about the ‘quality of care provision’ from the patient and citizen perspective with the care provider perspective. In this way, we learn more about the effectiveness of care services, which is a prerequisite for improving care provision, especially for vulnerable target groups.

Nivel-icoon-U2-Verbinding-zorg-sociaalSubject: The joint venture of the care domain and the social domain

Health problems and social problems are often interrelated and mutually reinforcing. Therefore,  there is a need for an integrated approach, in which care providers and social workers take on the task of care giving together.

  • At the individual level, we investigate how life-long health and welfare/prosperity support can be shaped.
  • At a community and regional level, we investigate the initiatives of integrated care provision for patients with complex problems. In doing so, our aim is to provide tools for the broader implementation of integrated care giving on a community and regional level.
  • At a national level, we focus on problems arising during disasters and environmental crises. We monitor the effects of public health and we study how governments and care organisations take up their role in crisis management and disaster relief.

Take a look at our research content  concerning the challengeTake a look at our research content  concerning the challenge

The relevant research information and results on these three subjects, you will find in at the sections Publications, Projects, News, etc. on this webpage.



Zenderen, I. van (Nivel Research Communication Center). Societal challenge - Towards an inclusive society. From: [Last update 07-November-2024; consulted on 10-March-2025]. URL: