Drs. Richard van Kruysdijk
Beheerder videotheek Databank Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg
- 2013|Salverda, J.G.W., Bragt, P.J.C., Wit-Bos, L. de, Rustemeyer, T., Coenraads, P.J., Tupker, R.A., Kunkeler, L.C.M., Laheij-de Boer, A.M., Stenveld, H.J., Ginkel, C.J.W. van, Kooi, M.W., Bourgeois, F.C., Gorcum, T.F. van, Engelen, J.G.M. van, Dijk, R. van, Graaf, J. de, Donker, G.A., Heer, C. de, Bruynzeel, D. Results of a cosmetovigilance survey in The Netherlands. Contact Dermatitis: 2013, 68(3), p. 139-148.
- 2013|Devillé, W., Hosper, K., Groen, S., Bartels, K., Starmans, R., Dijk, R. van, Rohlof, H., Tulder, M. van, Tempelman, D. Cultural Interview by mental health nurses in diagnosis and treatment of non-western patients in primary care, The Netherlands, 2013. European Journal of Public Health: 2013, 23(Suppl. 1), p. 262-263. Abstract. 6th European Public Health Conference: Health in Europe: are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future. 13-16 November 2013, Brussel.