
Administrative and scientific support to the Horizon Europe mission board on cancer and provision of a final report on its activities.

The consortium will provide support in managing the Horizon Europe mission board on cancer. The Commission has planned to organize 13 webinars to support the implementation of the Mission on Cancer.

For some of these meetings, the Mission Board will be joined by a group of citizens or stakeholders and several meetings will be organized with SGPP subgroup on cancer. Additionally we will support the board in drafting a discussion paper on the options and directions for the implementation of mission actions based on the mission outline prepared by the Mission Board and the final implementation plan produced by the European Commission.

The discussion paper should feed into the discussions of the SGPP subgroup on cancer and the programming of Horizon Europe. For the subgroup, the discussion paper should define draft concepts for the implementation of actions, including identifying actors and resources. We will prepare, guide, analyze and report on the discussions of the six focus with patient groups, including citizens and various subgroups of people who had personal experience with cancer.

Dit project wordt gesubsidieerd door
European Commission (through a single Framework Contract)
RIVM, RCSI, Infeurope