Programmaleider Infectieziekten in de Eerste Lijn
maart 2024
Design and implementation of gonococcal infections surveillance systems using routinely collected electronic health records in Europe
Duration: Mar 2024 - Feb 2025
On request of European Centre of Disease Control (ECDC), this project aims to support European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries to pilot, implement and evaluate surveillance systems for gonococcal infections based on automatic extraction, cleaning, validation, analysis, reporting and sharing of health data stored electronically in EU/EEA countries' health information systems and other similar sources. Further, the project aims to offer guidance for the development of a country specific protocol and/or advise on the expansion of systems for electronic health data and electronic health records (EHR)-based surveillance for gonococcal infections.
The Nivel has a coordinating and advisory role.
Dit project wordt gesubsidieerd door
Epiconcept, France
E-SURE consortium, which includes Epiconcept (France), Nivel (the Netherlands), the Statens Serum Institute (SSI, (Denmark) and Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), Portugal).