JA-CHRODIS 2014-2017: international joint action on chronic diseases
Duration: Jan 2019 - Mar 2017
Chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and mental disorders, affects 8 out of 10 people aged over 65 in Europe. Approximately 70% to 80% of health care budgets across the EU are spent on treating chronic diseases. There is a wealth of knowledge within EU Member States on effective and efficient ways to prevent and manage diseases like cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes. There is great potential to reduce the burden of chronic disease by making better use of this knowledge. JA-CHRODIS has been designed to exploit this potential.
JA-CHRODIS is a European collaboration that brings together over 60 associated and collaborating partners, from 26 countries. These partners work together to identify, validate, exchange and disseminate good practices on chronic diseases across Europe and to facilitate their uptake across local, regional and national borders. The focus is health promotion and primary prevention as well as the management of Type 2 Diabetes and patients with more than one chronic condition (multimorbidity).
- Leading partners: Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), Italy; Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Lithuania
- Associated partners: TU Dresden, Germany; Aragon Health Sciences Institute (IACS), Spain; Department of Health (DHS), United Kingdom; National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland; ‘Sotiria’ General Chest Diseases Hospital of Athens (GCDHA), Greece; European Patients’ Forum (EPF), Belgium; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain; European Institute of Womens Health (EIWH), Ireland; National Center of Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA), Bulgary
Nivels participation
Nivel participates on behalf of the Netherlands Ministry of Health in a Joint Action on Chronic Diseases, initiated by the EU Second Health Programme. More specifically, NIVEL will participate in the sixth Work Package (WP6): Development of common guidance and methodologies for care pathways for multi-morbid patients.
The aim of WP6 is to design and develop innovative, cost-efficient and patient-centred approaches for multimorbid patients with chronic conditions, including early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care (with special attention to medication management, issues such as polypharmacy and adherence).
WP6 comprises four tasks:
1. Identify patient targets groups for interventions focusing on multimorbidity (case) management.
2. Review existing care (pathway) approaches for multi-morbid patients.
3. Assess and select good practices on the management of multi-morbid patients.
4. Define criteria and conditions for the development of multimorbidity case management training programmes.
- One of the key deliverables is a ‘Platform for Knowledge Exchange’, which will include both an online help-desk for policy makers and a clearinghouse providing an up to date repository of best practices and the best knowledge on chronic care.
- An overview of and support for the development of innovative, cost-efficient and patient-centred approaches for multimorbid patients, with special attention to medication management (to address polypharmacy and adherence).
Video and international website
- JA-CHRODIS promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da8iw9hvQX4
- International project website: www.CHRODIS.eu