
Norce: Politics of a changing institutional ecology: coordination, prioritization and labour in Norwegian health, care and welfare services 2019-2024

Duration: Oct 2019 - dec 2025


The project evaluates the organisation of care and welfare within the institutional, social and economic dynamics that shape of healthcare and welfare services in several countries. The study of Nivel provides insight into the Scandinavian model of welfare, compared to other European models. Thus, it's a study on the ‘politics’ of a changing institutional ecology: coordination, prioritization and labour in Norwegian health, care and welfare services.


The overall aim of this research project is to contribute to the development of the field of services research through a multidisciplinary, multilevel and comparative exploration of the institutional, social and economic dynamics that shape the health, care and welfare services in relation to the potent challenge of services interaction and coordination in several countries.


Nivel will – among other activities - participate in document analysis of key white papers in Norway and Europe.


The study provides insight into the Scandinavian model of welfare, compared to other European models.

International project website:

Dit project wordt gesubsidieerd door
Research Council of Norway (RCN)
National Centre for Care Research (CCR) of East-, South-, Mid-, North- and West-Norway; NORCE Society, Norway; University of California, San Francisco, USA; Aarhus University, Sweden