Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
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Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe.
Struckmann, V., Snoeijs, S., Melchiorre, M.G., Hujala, A., Rijken, M., Quentin, W., Ginneken, E. van. Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Eurohealth: 2014, 20(3), p. 35-40.
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Until recently, multimorbidity has not received much attention from European policy-makers. This is changing now that it has become clear that the number of people with multimorbidity is
rapidly increasing. The ICARE4EU project will help to improve, analyse and disseminate innovative patient-centred multidisciplinary care programmes or practices for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Early project results show that although policy-makers are increasingly aware of the challenge of multimorbidity, national policies and strategies focusing on these patients have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, various types of multimorbidity programmes or practices have been implemented in all four countries under study. (aut. ref.)
rapidly increasing. The ICARE4EU project will help to improve, analyse and disseminate innovative patient-centred multidisciplinary care programmes or practices for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Early project results show that although policy-makers are increasingly aware of the challenge of multimorbidity, national policies and strategies focusing on these patients have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, various types of multimorbidity programmes or practices have been implemented in all four countries under study. (aut. ref.)
Until recently, multimorbidity has not received much attention from European policy-makers. This is changing now that it has become clear that the number of people with multimorbidity is
rapidly increasing. The ICARE4EU project will help to improve, analyse and disseminate innovative patient-centred multidisciplinary care programmes or practices for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Early project results show that although policy-makers are increasingly aware of the challenge of multimorbidity, national policies and strategies focusing on these patients have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, various types of multimorbidity programmes or practices have been implemented in all four countries under study. (aut. ref.)
rapidly increasing. The ICARE4EU project will help to improve, analyse and disseminate innovative patient-centred multidisciplinary care programmes or practices for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Early project results show that although policy-makers are increasingly aware of the challenge of multimorbidity, national policies and strategies focusing on these patients have not yet been developed. Nevertheless, various types of multimorbidity programmes or practices have been implemented in all four countries under study. (aut. ref.)