Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
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Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions in the United Kingdom: policy and practices with a focus on England and Scotland.
Bramwell, C., Don, R.M., Porter, I., Lloyd, H., Kadam, U., Rijken, M., Valderas, J.M. Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions in the United Kingdom: policy and practices with a focus on England and Scotland. NIVEL, 2016.
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The ICARE4EU project aims to identify, describe, and analyse innovative, integrated care models for people with multimorbidity in 30 European countries, and to contribute to more effective implementation of such models. Until recently, multimorbidity — the occurrence of multiple chronic diseases within an individual — has not received much attention from European policy-makers. However, this seems to be changing, now that it has become clear that the number of people with multimorbidity is rapidly increasing. This factsheet describes how policy and practices are developing in the UK and in its constituent countries.
The ICARE4EU project aims to identify, describe, and analyse innovative, integrated care models for people with multimorbidity in 30 European countries, and to contribute to more effective implementation of such models. Until recently, multimorbidity — the occurrence of multiple chronic diseases within an individual — has not received much attention from European policy-makers. However, this seems to be changing, now that it has become clear that the number of people with multimorbidity is rapidly increasing. This factsheet describes how policy and practices are developing in the UK and in its constituent countries.