Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: effects and long-term follow-up.
Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Bleijenberg, G. Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: effects and long-term follow-up. Psychosomatic Medicine: 1996, 58(4), p. 508-516.
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Little is known about the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral treatment for patients with irritable bowel syndrome on a group basis. Previous studies have used only small samples, and studies with long term follow-up are lacking. The aim of the present study was to investigate: a) the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group treatment compared with a waiting list control condition in alleviating abdominal complaints and b) the long term effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group treatment. In study 1, we performed a controlled study with 25 patients in the group treatment condition and 20 patients in the waiting list control condition. Treatment consisted of eight 2-hour group sessions over a period of 3 months. In study 2, all patients were treated and followed up for an average of 2.25 years (range 6 months-4 years) after the completion of the group treatment. The abdominal complaints of the patients who underwent treatment were found to improve significantly more than the complaints of the patients awaiting treatment. Moreover, in agreement with the purpose of the therapy, the number of successful coping strategies was found to increase more and patients' avoidance behavior was found to decrease more in the treatment group than in the waiting list control group. The positive changes appeared to persist during follow-up. Cognitive-behavioral group treatment is effective in alleviating irritable bowel syndrome, in stimulating coping strategies, and in reducing avoidance behavior. At long term follow-up, the abdominal complaints, the number of successful coping strategies, and the avoidance behavior were still improved compared with the pretreatment assessment. (aut.ref.)
Little is known about the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral treatment for patients with irritable bowel syndrome on a group basis. Previous studies have used only small samples, and studies with long term follow-up are lacking. The aim of the present study was to investigate: a) the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group treatment compared with a waiting list control condition in alleviating abdominal complaints and b) the long term effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group treatment. In study 1, we performed a controlled study with 25 patients in the group treatment condition and 20 patients in the waiting list control condition. Treatment consisted of eight 2-hour group sessions over a period of 3 months. In study 2, all patients were treated and followed up for an average of 2.25 years (range 6 months-4 years) after the completion of the group treatment. The abdominal complaints of the patients who underwent treatment were found to improve significantly more than the complaints of the patients awaiting treatment. Moreover, in agreement with the purpose of the therapy, the number of successful coping strategies was found to increase more and patients' avoidance behavior was found to decrease more in the treatment group than in the waiting list control group. The positive changes appeared to persist during follow-up. Cognitive-behavioral group treatment is effective in alleviating irritable bowel syndrome, in stimulating coping strategies, and in reducing avoidance behavior. At long term follow-up, the abdominal complaints, the number of successful coping strategies, and the avoidance behavior were still improved compared with the pretreatment assessment. (aut.ref.)