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Collecting information in general practice: 'just by pressing a single button'?

Verheij, R., Zee, J. van der. Collecting information in general practice: 'just by pressing a single button'? In: G.P. Westert; L. Jabaaij; F.G. Schellevis. Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care: Dutch general practice on stage. Oxon: Radcliffe Publishing, 2006. p. 265-272.
What did we have to do to get the data for the second Dutch National Survey of General Practice
(DNSGP-2)? Will all this be necessary for a possible third survey as well? Can policy information be
derived from raw electric medical records, just by pressing a single button? These questions will be
addressed below, resulting in recipes for acquiring and using data from general practices for
research purposes. We start with a brief history. (aut. ref.)