Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Publicatie datum
Comprehensibility of usage instructions on a personalized medication overview (MijnGiB), compared to the usual-care prescription medication labels: a 2x3 between-subjects experiment. Part A) Quantitative study.
Schackmann, L., Dijk, L. van, Brabers, A., Vervloet, M. Comprehensibility of usage instructions on a personalized medication overview (MijnGiB), compared to the usual-care prescription medication labels: a 2x3 between-subjects experiment. Part A) Quantitative study. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 48 p.
Prescription medication label instructions are not always well-understood. A personalized medication overview listing all prescribed medications and including visual information, My Medication Review, in Dutch: Mijn Geneesmiddel in Beeld®(MijnGiB) (Box 1) may support patients in their medication use. The aim of this study was to understand whether MijnGiB supports patients in their medication use compared to the prescription medication labels. Our hypotheses are that:
1) patients better understand the medication instructions when they have MijnGiB rather than prescription medication labels only;
2) this understanding increases with the number of medications (the more medications, the greater the benefit from MijnGiB)
3) a personalized medication overview has influence on the comprehensibility of the medication-use instruction, as its intended to help patients better process the information on PDL instructions, particularly patients with low health literacy skills.
1) patients better understand the medication instructions when they have MijnGiB rather than prescription medication labels only;
2) this understanding increases with the number of medications (the more medications, the greater the benefit from MijnGiB)
3) a personalized medication overview has influence on the comprehensibility of the medication-use instruction, as its intended to help patients better process the information on PDL instructions, particularly patients with low health literacy skills.
Prescription medication label instructions are not always well-understood. A personalized medication overview listing all prescribed medications and including visual information, My Medication Review, in Dutch: Mijn Geneesmiddel in Beeld®(MijnGiB) (Box 1) may support patients in their medication use. The aim of this study was to understand whether MijnGiB supports patients in their medication use compared to the prescription medication labels. Our hypotheses are that:
1) patients better understand the medication instructions when they have MijnGiB rather than prescription medication labels only;
2) this understanding increases with the number of medications (the more medications, the greater the benefit from MijnGiB)
3) a personalized medication overview has influence on the comprehensibility of the medication-use instruction, as its intended to help patients better process the information on PDL instructions, particularly patients with low health literacy skills.
1) patients better understand the medication instructions when they have MijnGiB rather than prescription medication labels only;
2) this understanding increases with the number of medications (the more medications, the greater the benefit from MijnGiB)
3) a personalized medication overview has influence on the comprehensibility of the medication-use instruction, as its intended to help patients better process the information on PDL instructions, particularly patients with low health literacy skills.