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Consciously choose eHealth: summary eHealth-monitor 2017.

Nictiz, NIVEL. Consciously choose eHealth: summary eHealth-monitor 2017. Den Haag/Utrecht: Nictiz, NIVEL, 2017. 16 p.
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eHealth is the use of contemporary information and communication technologies, internet technology in particular, to support or improve health and healthcare. The eHealth-monitor is a form of annual research in which Nictiz and NIVEL map the availability and use of eHealth in the Netherlands. In addition, incentives, obstacles, effects and developments through time are looked into.

The results of this monitor are based on questionnaires filled out by 741 members of the Consumenten Panel Gezondheidszorg, 3,040 members of the Nationaal Panel Chronisch Zieken en Gehandicapten, 536 doctors, 712 nurses and 225 mental health nurse practitioners and on discussions held during a workshop day with eleven participants from the Consumenten Panel Gezondheidszorg.