Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Content and outcomes of Dutch nurse clinics for children with asthma.
Temmink, D., Francke, A.L., Hutten, J.B.F., Spreeuwenberg, P., Zee, J. van der, Huyer Abu-Saad, H. Content and outcomes of Dutch nurse clinics for children with asthma. Journal of Asthma: 2001, 38(1), p. 73-81.
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Dutch specialist asthma nurses run extramural and transmural nurse clinics for children with asthma. Extramural clinics are run under responsibility and in the premises of a home care organisation. Transmural clinics are run in an outpatient clinic in close collaboration and joint responsibility between home care organisations and hospitals. Effect of and differences between these clinics were determined by using a quasi-experimental design. Visiting a nurse clinic appears to result in a reduced information need and reduced use of health care services. Parents of asthmatic children visiting transmural nurse clinics appeared to have a lower information need then those attending extramural nurse clinics. (aut.ref.)
Dutch specialist asthma nurses run extramural and transmural nurse clinics for children with asthma. Extramural clinics are run under responsibility and in the premises of a home care organisation. Transmural clinics are run in an outpatient clinic in close collaboration and joint responsibility between home care organisations and hospitals. Effect of and differences between these clinics were determined by using a quasi-experimental design. Visiting a nurse clinic appears to result in a reduced information need and reduced use of health care services. Parents of asthmatic children visiting transmural nurse clinics appeared to have a lower information need then those attending extramural nurse clinics. (aut.ref.)