Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Counselees' needs and their reflection in cancer genetic counselling: summary of the thesis written by Arwen Pieterse and successfully defended by her on 16 November 2005.
Pieterse, A., Dulmen, S. van. Counselees' needs and their reflection in cancer genetic counselling: summary of the thesis written by Arwen Pieterse and successfully defended by her on 16 November 2005. Patient Education and Counseling: 2006, 61(1), p. 165-166.
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The successive chapters describe analyses conducted on varying selections of the counselees participating in the larger study. Selection of counselees was determined by whether or not they were seen by a counsellor who had received the training intervention, the presence or absence
of questionnaire data, and the availability of a videotape recording of their visit. The varying number of participants in each study is explained in Figure 1. (aut. ref.)
of questionnaire data, and the availability of a videotape recording of their visit. The varying number of participants in each study is explained in Figure 1. (aut. ref.)
The successive chapters describe analyses conducted on varying selections of the counselees participating in the larger study. Selection of counselees was determined by whether or not they were seen by a counsellor who had received the training intervention, the presence or absence
of questionnaire data, and the availability of a videotape recording of their visit. The varying number of participants in each study is explained in Figure 1. (aut. ref.)
of questionnaire data, and the availability of a videotape recording of their visit. The varying number of participants in each study is explained in Figure 1. (aut. ref.)