Senior onderzoeker Rampen en Milieudreigingen
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'In de spiegel der emoties': onvoorziene langetermijngevolgen van de Bijlmervliegramp.
Gersons, B., Carlier, I., IJzermans, J. 'In de spiegel der emoties': onvoorziene langetermijngevolgen van de Bijlmervliegramp. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid: 2000, 55(10), p. 876-888.
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'In the mirror of emotions'. Unforeseen long-term consequences of the plane crash over the 'Bijlmer' (a large block of flats in Amsterdam). That disasters can leave deep wounds in those directly affected is a well known fact. The 'Bijlmer' air disaster still continues to hold the attention of politicians and the media, eight years after the event. The Parliamentary Inquiry in 1999 was front page news for many weeks. An explanation for this is sought in the field of disaster psychology. When our feeling of safety is put in jeopardy, and on such a large scale, our trust in government threatens to evaporate. There is an enormous sense of distrust and rage, and when government is thought to be withholding vital information, suspicion takes hold. This secondary disaster is dominated by the same emotions accompanying the fear. Apart from acute stress, chronic stress results in 'unexplained physical problems'. A national information centre is required to limit this kind of social disturbances. (aut.ref.)
'In the mirror of emotions'. Unforeseen long-term consequences of the plane crash over the 'Bijlmer' (a large block of flats in Amsterdam). That disasters can leave deep wounds in those directly affected is a well known fact. The 'Bijlmer' air disaster still continues to hold the attention of politicians and the media, eight years after the event. The Parliamentary Inquiry in 1999 was front page news for many weeks. An explanation for this is sought in the field of disaster psychology. When our feeling of safety is put in jeopardy, and on such a large scale, our trust in government threatens to evaporate. There is an enormous sense of distrust and rage, and when government is thought to be withholding vital information, suspicion takes hold. This secondary disaster is dominated by the same emotions accompanying the fear. Apart from acute stress, chronic stress results in 'unexplained physical problems'. A national information centre is required to limit this kind of social disturbances. (aut.ref.)