Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Decision-making about the best place of palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities: a guide for care staff and healthcare professionals providing palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities.
Bekkema, N., Tuffrey-Wijne, I., Wagemans, A., Hertogh, C., Francke, A., Veer, A. de. Decision-making about the best place of palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities: a guide for care staff and healthcare professionals providing palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2015. 20 p.
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This publication is a guide for care staff and healthcare professionals providing palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities.
This publication is a guide for care staff and healthcare professionals providing palliative care for people with intellectual disabilities.