Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
Determinants of job related stress experienced by nursing staff.
Veer, A. de, Francke, A. Determinants of job related stress experienced by nursing staff. Journal of Clinical Nursing: 2010, 19(suppl. 1), p. 111. Abstract. 4th European Nursing Congress 'Older Persons. The Future of Care', 4-5 oktober 2010, Rotterdam.
Introduction: Stress levels of Dutch nurses have been found to increase since 2005. There is evidence that personal resources such as coping style and social support influence job related stress. However when formulating policy to reduce such stress, specific jobrelated factors must also be considered. The aim of the study was to gain insight into such job-related factors determining job related stress. Methods and Materials: The study population was made up of members from a nationally representative research sample referred to as the Nursing Staff Panel. Candidates for the Nursing Staff Panel were recruited from a random sample of employees. The Panel consists of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). In 2009, 628 respondents completed a postal structured questionnaire about their work (response rate 66%). First, all bivariate relationships between job related stress and possible predictors were examined. Than we included stepwise blocks of variables into regression analyses, starting with job related variables, then individual (background) characteristics and finally adding health care sector. Changes in explained variance were used to determine the unique additional contribution of each block. Results: The tested model explained about half of the variance within job related stress. Job related factors played a major role. Job related stress was mainly associated with four factors: the perceived quality of nursing care within the ward, the autonomy, workload and the perceived appreciation of the nursing staff by others within the organization. Individual determinants explained only 1% of the variance. Nursing staff members working 20–30 h per week experienced less stress than those working <20 or more than 30 h per week. Conclusion: Attempts to reduce job related stress is not only a matter of reducing workload. Enhancing the quality of patient care directly reduces stress levels, as well as giving nurses more autonomy and appreciation. (aut. ref.)
Introduction: Stress levels of Dutch nurses have been found to increase since 2005. There is evidence that personal resources such as coping style and social support influence job related stress. However when formulating policy to reduce such stress, specific jobrelated factors must also be considered. The aim of the study was to gain insight into such job-related factors determining job related stress. Methods and Materials: The study population was made up of members from a nationally representative research sample referred to as the Nursing Staff Panel. Candidates for the Nursing Staff Panel were recruited from a random sample of employees. The Panel consists of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). In 2009, 628 respondents completed a postal structured questionnaire about their work (response rate 66%). First, all bivariate relationships between job related stress and possible predictors were examined. Than we included stepwise blocks of variables into regression analyses, starting with job related variables, then individual (background) characteristics and finally adding health care sector. Changes in explained variance were used to determine the unique additional contribution of each block. Results: The tested model explained about half of the variance within job related stress. Job related factors played a major role. Job related stress was mainly associated with four factors: the perceived quality of nursing care within the ward, the autonomy, workload and the perceived appreciation of the nursing staff by others within the organization. Individual determinants explained only 1% of the variance. Nursing staff members working 20–30 h per week experienced less stress than those working <20 or more than 30 h per week. Conclusion: Attempts to reduce job related stress is not only a matter of reducing workload. Enhancing the quality of patient care directly reduces stress levels, as well as giving nurses more autonomy and appreciation. (aut. ref.)