Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Development and initial testing of an instrument to establish eating profiles of clients in nursing homes or elderly homes.
Peeters, J.M., Francke, A.L., Friele, R.D., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Graaf, K.C. de, Beek, A.P.A. van. Development and initial testing of an instrument to establish eating profiles of clients in nursing homes or elderly homes. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly: 2008, 27(1-2), p. 47-64.
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‘Eating profiles’ can be defined as types of clients distinguished by combinations of food preferences, consumption patterns and preferences for ambiance. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and initial testing of an instrument to establish eating profiles of residents of nursing homes or elderly homes. We constructed a 35-item, 4-subscale questionnaire. By this self- administered, usable instrument, five eating profiles derived from clients’ perspectives, were distinguished. Insight in eating profiles is important for facility managers to ascertain whether the food, dinner service and ambiance are adequately tailored to the residents’ preferences. (aut. ref.)
‘Eating profiles’ can be defined as types of clients distinguished by combinations of food preferences, consumption patterns and preferences for ambiance. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and initial testing of an instrument to establish eating profiles of residents of nursing homes or elderly homes. We constructed a 35-item, 4-subscale questionnaire. By this self- administered, usable instrument, five eating profiles derived from clients’ perspectives, were distinguished. Insight in eating profiles is important for facility managers to ascertain whether the food, dinner service and ambiance are adequately tailored to the residents’ preferences. (aut. ref.)