Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers' responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns.
Piccolo, L. del, Haes, H. de, Heaven, C., Jansen, J., Verheul, W., Bensing, J., Bergvik, S., Deveugele, M., Eide, H., Fletcher, I., Goss, C., Humphris, G., Young-Mi, K., Langewitz, W., Mazzi, M.A., Mjaaland, T., Moretti, F., Nübling, M., Rimondini, M., Salmon, P., Sibbern, T., Skre, I., Dulmen, S. van, Wissow, L., Young, B., Zandbelt, L., Zimmermann, C., Finset, A. Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers' responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns. Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 82(2), p. 149-155.
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Objective: To present a method to classify health provider responses to patient cues and concerns according to the VR-CoDES-CC (Del Piccolo et al. (2009) [2] and Zimmermann et al. (submitted for publication) [3]). The system permits sequence analysis and a detailed description of how providers handle patient's expressions of emotion. Methods: The Verona-CoDES-P system has been developed based on consensus views within the “Verona Network of Sequence Analysis”. The different phases of the creation process are described in detail. A reliability study has been conducted on 20 interviews from a convenience sample of 104 psychiatric consultations. Results: The VR-CoDES-P has two main classes of provider responses, corresponding to the degree of explicitness (yes/no) and space (yes/no) that is given by the health provider to each cue/concern expressed by the patient. The system can be further subdivided into 17 individual categories. Statistical analyses showed that the VR-CoDES-P is reliable (agreement 92.86%, Cohen's kappa 0.90 (±0.04) p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Once validity and reliability are tested in different settings, the system should be applied to investigate the relationship between provider responses to patients’ expression of emotions and outcome variables. Practice implications: Research employing the VR-CoDES-P should be applied to develop research-based approaches to maximize appropriate responses to patients’ indirect and overt expressions of emotional needs.(aut. ref.)
Objective: To present a method to classify health provider responses to patient cues and concerns according to the VR-CoDES-CC (Del Piccolo et al. (2009) [2] and Zimmermann et al. (submitted for publication) [3]). The system permits sequence analysis and a detailed description of how providers handle patient's expressions of emotion. Methods: The Verona-CoDES-P system has been developed based on consensus views within the “Verona Network of Sequence Analysis”. The different phases of the creation process are described in detail. A reliability study has been conducted on 20 interviews from a convenience sample of 104 psychiatric consultations. Results: The VR-CoDES-P has two main classes of provider responses, corresponding to the degree of explicitness (yes/no) and space (yes/no) that is given by the health provider to each cue/concern expressed by the patient. The system can be further subdivided into 17 individual categories. Statistical analyses showed that the VR-CoDES-P is reliable (agreement 92.86%, Cohen's kappa 0.90 (±0.04) p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Once validity and reliability are tested in different settings, the system should be applied to investigate the relationship between provider responses to patients’ expression of emotions and outcome variables. Practice implications: Research employing the VR-CoDES-P should be applied to develop research-based approaches to maximize appropriate responses to patients’ indirect and overt expressions of emotional needs.(aut. ref.)