Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Different approaches of self-management facilitation for elderly in the community.
Uitdehaag, M.J., Bergsma, A., Bolscher-Niehuis, M.J.T. van het, Vocht, H.M. de, Ouden, M.E.M. den, Francke, A.L., Kerkhof, Y.J.F., Graff, M.J.L., Droës, R.M., Vonk-Klaassen, S.M., Schuurmans, M.J., Keurhorst, M.N., Geerink, G.G.M. Different approaches of self-management facilitation for elderly in the community. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 73. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.
An expanding group (frail) older people strives to live independently at home as long as possible. This change is caused by the fact that elderly nowadays take more responsibility and control over their health and environment on the one hand, and to the dismantling of the welfare state on the other hand. Facilitation of self-management can support them significantly in living longer at home.
The aim of this symposium is to share examples of approaches on self-management facilitations for elderly in the community.
The symposium starts with results of a systematic review on the effects of self-management support programmes on the activities of daily living. Subsequently, two specific patient groups are featured.
First, we discuss a tool for the selection of tailored apps for increasing selfmanagement and meaningful activities for people with mild dementia.
Secondly, the need for self-management related care in elderly with permanent ostomy will be shared, with a focus on recognizing and treating physical ostomy related problems.
Finally, we discuss the experiences of nurses and caregivers with a digital communication tool for elderly living at home.
An expanding group (frail) older people strives to live independently at home as long as possible. This change is caused by the fact that elderly nowadays take more responsibility and control over their health and environment on the one hand, and to the dismantling of the welfare state on the other hand. Facilitation of self-management can support them significantly in living longer at home.
The aim of this symposium is to share examples of approaches on self-management facilitations for elderly in the community.
The symposium starts with results of a systematic review on the effects of self-management support programmes on the activities of daily living. Subsequently, two specific patient groups are featured.
First, we discuss a tool for the selection of tailored apps for increasing selfmanagement and meaningful activities for people with mild dementia.
Secondly, the need for self-management related care in elderly with permanent ostomy will be shared, with a focus on recognizing and treating physical ostomy related problems.
Finally, we discuss the experiences of nurses and caregivers with a digital communication tool for elderly living at home.
An expanding group (frail) older people strives to live independently at home as long as possible. This change is caused by the fact that elderly nowadays take more responsibility and control over their health and environment on the one hand, and to the dismantling of the welfare state on the other hand. Facilitation of self-management can support them significantly in living longer at home.
The aim of this symposium is to share examples of approaches on self-management facilitations for elderly in the community.
The symposium starts with results of a systematic review on the effects of self-management support programmes on the activities of daily living. Subsequently, two specific patient groups are featured.
First, we discuss a tool for the selection of tailored apps for increasing selfmanagement and meaningful activities for people with mild dementia.
Secondly, the need for self-management related care in elderly with permanent ostomy will be shared, with a focus on recognizing and treating physical ostomy related problems.
Finally, we discuss the experiences of nurses and caregivers with a digital communication tool for elderly living at home.
An expanding group (frail) older people strives to live independently at home as long as possible. This change is caused by the fact that elderly nowadays take more responsibility and control over their health and environment on the one hand, and to the dismantling of the welfare state on the other hand. Facilitation of self-management can support them significantly in living longer at home.
The aim of this symposium is to share examples of approaches on self-management facilitations for elderly in the community.
The symposium starts with results of a systematic review on the effects of self-management support programmes on the activities of daily living. Subsequently, two specific patient groups are featured.
First, we discuss a tool for the selection of tailored apps for increasing selfmanagement and meaningful activities for people with mild dementia.
Secondly, the need for self-management related care in elderly with permanent ostomy will be shared, with a focus on recognizing and treating physical ostomy related problems.
Finally, we discuss the experiences of nurses and caregivers with a digital communication tool for elderly living at home.