Programmaleider Rampen en Milieudreigingen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Crises, veiligheid en gezondheid', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Early psychosocial interventions after disasters, terrorism and other shocking events: is there a gap between norms and practice in Europe?
Brake, H. te, Dückers, M. Early psychosocial interventions after disasters, terrorism and other shocking events: is there a gap between norms and practice in Europe? European Journal of Psychotraumatology: 2013, 4
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Internationally, several initiatives exist to describe standards for post-disaster psychosocial care.
This study explored the level of consensus of experts within Europe on a set of recommendations on early psychosocial intervention after shocking events (Dutch guidelines), and to what degree these standards are implemented into mental health care practice.
Two hundred and six (mental) health care professionals filled out a questionnaire to assess the extent to which they consider the guidelines’ scope and recommendations relevant and part of the regular practice in their own country. Forty-five European experts from 24 EU countries discussed the guidelines at an international seminar.
The data suggest overall agreement on the standards although many of the recommendations appear not (yet) to be embedded in everyday practice.
Conclusions: Although large consensus exists on standards for early psychosocial care, a chasm between norms and practice appears to exist throughout the EU, stressing the general need for investments in guideline development and implementation.
Internationally, several initiatives exist to describe standards for post-disaster psychosocial care.
This study explored the level of consensus of experts within Europe on a set of recommendations on early psychosocial intervention after shocking events (Dutch guidelines), and to what degree these standards are implemented into mental health care practice.
Two hundred and six (mental) health care professionals filled out a questionnaire to assess the extent to which they consider the guidelines’ scope and recommendations relevant and part of the regular practice in their own country. Forty-five European experts from 24 EU countries discussed the guidelines at an international seminar.
The data suggest overall agreement on the standards although many of the recommendations appear not (yet) to be embedded in everyday practice.
Conclusions: Although large consensus exists on standards for early psychosocial care, a chasm between norms and practice appears to exist throughout the EU, stressing the general need for investments in guideline development and implementation.
Internationally, several initiatives exist to describe standards for post-disaster psychosocial care.
This study explored the level of consensus of experts within Europe on a set of recommendations on early psychosocial intervention after shocking events (Dutch guidelines), and to what degree these standards are implemented into mental health care practice.
Two hundred and six (mental) health care professionals filled out a questionnaire to assess the extent to which they consider the guidelines’ scope and recommendations relevant and part of the regular practice in their own country. Forty-five European experts from 24 EU countries discussed the guidelines at an international seminar.
The data suggest overall agreement on the standards although many of the recommendations appear not (yet) to be embedded in everyday practice.
Conclusions: Although large consensus exists on standards for early psychosocial care, a chasm between norms and practice appears to exist throughout the EU, stressing the general need for investments in guideline development and implementation.
Internationally, several initiatives exist to describe standards for post-disaster psychosocial care.
This study explored the level of consensus of experts within Europe on a set of recommendations on early psychosocial intervention after shocking events (Dutch guidelines), and to what degree these standards are implemented into mental health care practice.
Two hundred and six (mental) health care professionals filled out a questionnaire to assess the extent to which they consider the guidelines’ scope and recommendations relevant and part of the regular practice in their own country. Forty-five European experts from 24 EU countries discussed the guidelines at an international seminar.
The data suggest overall agreement on the standards although many of the recommendations appear not (yet) to be embedded in everyday practice.
Conclusions: Although large consensus exists on standards for early psychosocial care, a chasm between norms and practice appears to exist throughout the EU, stressing the general need for investments in guideline development and implementation.