Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Een communicatietypologie voor het bespreken van therapietrouwbarrières.
Linn, A.J., Weert, J.C.M. van, Schouten, B.C., Smit, E.G., Bodegraven, A.A. van, Dijk, L. van. Een communicatietypologie voor het bespreken van therapietrouwbarrières. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform: 2014, 8(3), p. a1410.
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Objective: To develop a communication typology addressing barriers to successful medication intake behaviour. Design and methods: Based on a literature review, the practical and perceptual barriers (PPB) typology was developed. Results: The PPB typology addresses four potential types of barriers that can be either practical (memory and daily routine barriers) or perceptual (concern and necessity barriers). The typology describes tailored communication strategies that are organized according to barriers and that can be used by health care providers. Conclusion: The PPB typology provides communication recommendations that are designed to meet patients' needs and assist health care providers in the promotion of successful adherence, and it can be a useful tool for developing effective communication skills training programs. (aut.ref.)
Objective: To develop a communication typology addressing barriers to successful medication intake behaviour. Design and methods: Based on a literature review, the practical and perceptual barriers (PPB) typology was developed. Results: The PPB typology addresses four potential types of barriers that can be either practical (memory and daily routine barriers) or perceptual (concern and necessity barriers). The typology describes tailored communication strategies that are organized according to barriers and that can be used by health care providers. Conclusion: The PPB typology provides communication recommendations that are designed to meet patients' needs and assist health care providers in the promotion of successful adherence, and it can be a useful tool for developing effective communication skills training programs. (aut.ref.)