Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Effectieve arts-patiënt communicatie bij NIDDM: analyse van 75 poliklinische consulten.
Dulmen, A.M. van, Verhaak, P.F.M. Effectieve arts-patiënt communicatie bij NIDDM: analyse van 75 poliklinische consulten. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg: 1997, 75(7), p. 33.
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This study describes a 1 year international data collection on the demand pattern for HIVantibody tests in general practice recorded by 6 sentinel networks in 5 European countries.
The purpose of the recording was to evaluate the use of HIV-antibody testing by general practitioners and the demand for testing among the general population.
Sentinel networks of general practitioners are a possible and available instrument for monitoring the perception of the HIV-test, and indirectly of the threat of the HIV-epidemic by the public and by the general practitioners (GPs).
Differences were found between the countries in the frequency of testing, the person asking the test and the reason for testing.
Possible explanatory factors, such as differences in the routine testing of specific groups, differences in the training and in the role of the GP, differences in the characteristics of prevention policy, are discussed.
The European comparison also offers the opportunity to reflect on common medical practice in dealing with demands for HIV-tests.
The purpose of the recording was to evaluate the use of HIV-antibody testing by general practitioners and the demand for testing among the general population.
Sentinel networks of general practitioners are a possible and available instrument for monitoring the perception of the HIV-test, and indirectly of the threat of the HIV-epidemic by the public and by the general practitioners (GPs).
Differences were found between the countries in the frequency of testing, the person asking the test and the reason for testing.
Possible explanatory factors, such as differences in the routine testing of specific groups, differences in the training and in the role of the GP, differences in the characteristics of prevention policy, are discussed.
The European comparison also offers the opportunity to reflect on common medical practice in dealing with demands for HIV-tests.