Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Effects of continuing paediatric education in interpersonal communication skills.
Dulmen, A.M. van, Holl, R.A. Effects of continuing paediatric education in interpersonal communication skills. European Journal of Pediatrics: 2000, 159, p. 489-495.
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Paediatric care places great demands on interpersonal communication skills, especially as regards the handling of psychosocial issues. Recent shifts in paediatric morbidity and increases in patient empowerment furthermore emphasize the need for continuing paediatric education in communication skills. It is, however, debatable, whether after residency paediatric education can influence paediatrician performance. This study evaluated the effects of a 5-day experiential communication training by means of a pre-test/post-test control group design. A total of 21 consulting paediatricians (10 experimental, I1 control group paediatricians) videotaped two series or consecutive outpatient encounters. Compared with the untrained control group, trained paediatricians asked more psychosocial questions and looked at the patients and their parents more often. In addition, they gave patients and parents more room to talk. No difference was found in the length of the outpatient visits. Conclusion: Paediatric education after residency influences paediatricians' verbal and nonverbal communication skills positively, especially as regards handling psychosocial issues. On the basis of these findings, it appears worthwhile to encourage continuing paediatric education in interpersonal communication skills.
Paediatric care places great demands on interpersonal communication skills, especially as regards the handling of psychosocial issues. Recent shifts in paediatric morbidity and increases in patient empowerment furthermore emphasize the need for continuing paediatric education in communication skills. It is, however, debatable, whether after residency paediatric education can influence paediatrician performance. This study evaluated the effects of a 5-day experiential communication training by means of a pre-test/post-test control group design. A total of 21 consulting paediatricians (10 experimental, I1 control group paediatricians) videotaped two series or consecutive outpatient encounters. Compared with the untrained control group, trained paediatricians asked more psychosocial questions and looked at the patients and their parents more often. In addition, they gave patients and parents more room to talk. No difference was found in the length of the outpatient visits. Conclusion: Paediatric education after residency influences paediatricians' verbal and nonverbal communication skills positively, especially as regards handling psychosocial issues. On the basis of these findings, it appears worthwhile to encourage continuing paediatric education in interpersonal communication skills.