Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Effects of a nursing pain programme on patient outcomes.
Francke, A.L., Garssen, B., Luiken, J.B., Schepper, A.M.E. de, Grypdonck, M., Huijer Abu-Saad, H. Effects of a nursing pain programme on patient outcomes. Psycho-Oncology: 1997, 6, p. 302-310.
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The effectiveness of a continuing pain education program, directed to surgical cancer nurses, was investigated in a pretest posttest controlled intervention study. ANCOVA for repeated measures revealed that the programme resulted in a lower pain intensity of surgical colon and breast cancer patients (p=0.02). However, no effects were found on pain duration, sleepless hours as a result of pain, state anxiety, mood disturbances, and duration of hospitalization. It is assumed that because the pain CE programme had a moderate impact on pain intensity, this had no consequences for the other outcome variables mentioned. (aut.ref.)
The effectiveness of a continuing pain education program, directed to surgical cancer nurses, was investigated in a pretest posttest controlled intervention study. ANCOVA for repeated measures revealed that the programme resulted in a lower pain intensity of surgical colon and breast cancer patients (p=0.02). However, no effects were found on pain duration, sleepless hours as a result of pain, state anxiety, mood disturbances, and duration of hospitalization. It is assumed that because the pain CE programme had a moderate impact on pain intensity, this had no consequences for the other outcome variables mentioned. (aut.ref.)