Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Ethics in person centered medicine: conceptual place and ongoing developments.
Mezzich, J.E., Appleyard, J., Botbol, M., Ghebrehiwet, T., Groves, J., Salloum, I., Dulmen, S. van. Ethics in person centered medicine: conceptual place and ongoing developments. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2013, 3(4), p. 255-257.
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Person centered medicine may be defined by its placing the whole person at the center of health and health care. And because of this, ethics seems to be at the core of person centered medicine. The bases for this assertion are briefly delineated in this statement along with a capsular review of the articles in this issue of the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. These articles encompass, among others, a set of papers on ethical standards for person centered health research as well as on incorporating ethics in medical education curricula and on tracing certain person centered medicine traditions to philosophical and human rights breakthroughs. (aut.ref.)
Person centered medicine may be defined by its placing the whole person at the center of health and health care. And because of this, ethics seems to be at the core of person centered medicine. The bases for this assertion are briefly delineated in this statement along with a capsular review of the articles in this issue of the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. These articles encompass, among others, a set of papers on ethical standards for person centered health research as well as on incorporating ethics in medical education curricula and on tracing certain person centered medicine traditions to philosophical and human rights breakthroughs. (aut.ref.)