Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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The European Association for Communication in Healthcare.
Bensing, J., Dulmen, S. van, Kallerup, H., Visser, A., Borrell, F., Finset, A., Goedhuys, J., Langewitz, W., Mallinson, C., Peltenburg, M., Schofield, T., Zimmermann, C. The European Association for Communication in Healthcare. Patient Education and Counseling: 2001, 43(1), p. 1-4.
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In September 2000 a special meeting was called during the International Conference on Health And Communication in Barcelona to launch a new European association. The name of the association is EACH, the European Association for Communication in Healthcare.
In January 2001, the frist formal board meeting took place in The Netherlands. During this meeting, thirteen researchers, medical educators and practitioners from eight European countries met in Utrecht to discuss the objectives and the provisional agenda for the first two years. (aut. ref.)
In January 2001, the frist formal board meeting took place in The Netherlands. During this meeting, thirteen researchers, medical educators and practitioners from eight European countries met in Utrecht to discuss the objectives and the provisional agenda for the first two years. (aut. ref.)
In September 2000 a special meeting was called during the International Conference on Health And Communication in Barcelona to launch a new European association. The name of the association is EACH, the European Association for Communication in Healthcare.
In January 2001, the frist formal board meeting took place in The Netherlands. During this meeting, thirteen researchers, medical educators and practitioners from eight European countries met in Utrecht to discuss the objectives and the provisional agenda for the first two years. (aut. ref.)
In January 2001, the frist formal board meeting took place in The Netherlands. During this meeting, thirteen researchers, medical educators and practitioners from eight European countries met in Utrecht to discuss the objectives and the provisional agenda for the first two years. (aut. ref.)