Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Feelings of powerlessness in relation to pain: ascribed causes and reported strategies. A qualitative study among Dutch community nurses caring for cancer patients with pain.
Schepper, A.M.E. de, Francke, A.L., Abu-Saad, H.H. Feelings of powerlessness in relation to pain: ascribed causes and reported strategies. A qualitative study among Dutch community nurses caring for cancer patients with pain. Cancer Nursing: 1997, 20(6), p. 422-429.
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This qualitative study focused on the causes for the feelings of powerlessness experienced by dutch community nurses in caring for cancer patients with pain. In addition, the study focused on the strategies community nurses employed to cope with feelings of powerlessness. Semistructured interviews revealed the following ascribed causes for feelings of powerlessness: problems in communication between community nurses and patients and between community nurses and personal physicians, dilemmas concerning physical care and opiates, and discrepancies between community nurses' pain management goals and what can realistically be achieved. The main strategies for reducing feelings of powerlessness were sharing feelings with the patient and colleagues, increasing knowledge and skills, and standing back from the situation. (aut. ref.)
This qualitative study focused on the causes for the feelings of powerlessness experienced by dutch community nurses in caring for cancer patients with pain. In addition, the study focused on the strategies community nurses employed to cope with feelings of powerlessness. Semistructured interviews revealed the following ascribed causes for feelings of powerlessness: problems in communication between community nurses and patients and between community nurses and personal physicians, dilemmas concerning physical care and opiates, and discrepancies between community nurses' pain management goals and what can realistically be achieved. The main strategies for reducing feelings of powerlessness were sharing feelings with the patient and colleagues, increasing knowledge and skills, and standing back from the situation. (aut. ref.)