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General practitioners' use of time and time management.

Groenewegen, P.P., Boerma, W.G.W., Sawyer, B. General practitioners' use of time and time management. In: R. Jones; N. Britten; L. Culpepper; D. Gass; R. Grol; D. Mant; C. Silagy. Oxford textbook of primary medical care: principles and concepts (Volume I). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. p. 450-455.
In this chapter, we present evidence on the ways in which GPs use time in a number of European countries and relate variation in the use of time to these three dimensions: characteristics of the GP, the practice population, and the health care system. Data were collected in a Europewide survey in 1993-1994, the European study of task profiles of GPs. In 32 countries, 8183 GPs completed and returned uniform questionnaires in their own language, with response rate of almost 50 percent. We also provide practical suggestion to help GPs manage their time and organize their work, arising
from the experience of one of the authors (B.S. ) as a professional advisor of GPs in this area. (aut. ref.)