Senior onderzoeker Rampen en Milieudreigingen
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Health survey on people living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots: additional analyses.
Simoes, M., Huss, A., Portengen, L., Vermeulen, R., Baliatsas, C., Dückers, M., Verheij, R., Janssen, N., Rijs, K., Zock, J.P. Health survey on people living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots: additional analyses. Bilthoven: RIVM, 2020. 56 p.
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Mensen die binnen 250 meter van landbouwpercelen wonen waar bestrijdingsmiddelen worden gebruikt, hebben over het algemeen niet méér gezondheidsproblemen dan mensen met geen of weinig landbouwpercelen in de buurt. Deze conclusie komt overeen met de resultaten van een verkenning uit 2018. Hierin waren andere uitgangspunten gebruikt. Er zijn een paar uitzonderingen op dit algemene beeld uit de twee verkenningen. Het wonen dicht bij maisteelt lijkt samen te gaan met een grotere kans op overlijden aan luchtwegaandoeningen. Verder is dicht bij roulatieteelt granen/bieten/aardappelen mogelijk meer sterfte door leukemie en lijkt dicht bij graanteelt meer zelfdoding voor te komen. Met de beschikbare gegevens was het niet mogelijk om deze bevindingen te verklaren. Specifieker onderzoek is nodig om meer te weten te komen over de relatie tussen bestrijdingsmiddelen en de gezondheid van omwonenden. Als daartoe wordt overgegaan dan adviseren de onderzoekers om de blootstelling aan specifieke bestrijdingsmiddelen gedetailleerd in kaart te brengen. Centraal in dat onderzoek zouden dan kunnen staan COPD en andere gezondheidsproblemen die in de wetenschappelijke literatuur regelmatig naar voren komen, zoals leukemie, de ziekte van Parkinson en cognitieve effecten. Daarvoor is dan ook meer informatie nodig over individuele factoren die invloed hebben op de gezondheid, zoals leefstijl. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM, de Universiteit Utrecht en het Nivel. Het onderzoek is een aanvulling op onderzoek uit 2018 naar de gezondheid van omwonenden van landbouwpercelen voor bepaalde gewassen. De Gezondheidsraad gaat het kabinet adviseren welk vervolgonderzoek moet worden uitgevoerd. VWS heeft om deze aanvullende analyses gevraagd. Aanleiding was onderzoek uit 2019, gecoördineerd door het RIVM, naar de blootstelling van omwonenden van bloembollenvelden aan chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen. Daaruit bleek dat de concentraties bestrijdingsmiddelen in huisstof binnen 250 meter tot de bespoten bloembollenvelden weinig verschilden. Er waren meer verschillen ten opzichte van woningen op meer dan 500 meter van de bloembollenvelden.
Generally speaking, persons living within 250 metres of agricultural plots where pesticides are used do not have more health problems than persons with few or no agricultural plots in the vicinity. This conclusion is in agreement with the results of an exploratory study from 2018, which was based on different points of departure.
There are a few exceptions of this general pattern from the two analytical approaches. Living near maize plots coincided with a higher risk of death due to chronic lower respiratory diseases. Furthermore, leukaemia death possibly occurred more often near rotating crops (grain, beets, potatoes) and suicide seemed to occur more often near plots where grains are cultivated. With the available information it was not possible to explain these findings.
More specific research is needed to learn more about the relationship between pesticides and the health of persons living nearby. The researchers recommend obtaining better estimates of the exposure to specific pesticides. In addition, such research must focus on COPD and other health problems that are regularly mentioned in the scientific literature, such as leukaemia, Parkinson's disease and cognitive effects. More information is also needed on individual factors that have an effect on health, such as lifestyle.
This is made clear by research carried out by RIVM, Utrecht University, and the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel). The research discussed here supplements research carried out in 2018 into the health of persons living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots of specific crops. The Health Council of the Netherlands will advise the government on which follow-up research should be carried out.
This is made clear by research carried out by RIVM, Utrecht University, and the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel). The research discussed here supplements research carried out in 2018 into the health of persons living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots of specific crops. The Health Council of the Netherlands will advise the government on which follow-up research should be carried out.
There are a few exceptions of this general pattern from the two analytical approaches. Living near maize plots coincided with a higher risk of death due to chronic lower respiratory diseases. Furthermore, leukaemia death possibly occurred more often near rotating crops (grain, beets, potatoes) and suicide seemed to occur more often near plots where grains are cultivated. With the available information it was not possible to explain these findings.
More specific research is needed to learn more about the relationship between pesticides and the health of persons living nearby. The researchers recommend obtaining better estimates of the exposure to specific pesticides. In addition, such research must focus on COPD and other health problems that are regularly mentioned in the scientific literature, such as leukaemia, Parkinson's disease and cognitive effects. More information is also needed on individual factors that have an effect on health, such as lifestyle.
This is made clear by research carried out by RIVM, Utrecht University, and the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel). The research discussed here supplements research carried out in 2018 into the health of persons living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots of specific crops. The Health Council of the Netherlands will advise the government on which follow-up research should be carried out.
This is made clear by research carried out by RIVM, Utrecht University, and the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel). The research discussed here supplements research carried out in 2018 into the health of persons living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots of specific crops. The Health Council of the Netherlands will advise the government on which follow-up research should be carried out.