Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
Home telecare for older persons: experiences and perceived effects.
Peeters, J., Francke, A. Home telecare for older persons: experiences and perceived effects. Journal of Clinical Nursing: 2010, 19(suppl. 1), p. 100. Abstract. 4th European Nursing Congress 'Older Persons. The Future of Care'. 4-5 oktober 2010, Rotterdam.
Introduction: Western countries have to face a strongly increasing health care demand, related to ageing of population and an increasing number of chronically ill. At the same time, a growing nursing shortage exists. Home telecare provides opportunities in this regard. Up till now, home telecare in the Netherlands mainly consists of an audio-visual connection between the client and nurses of the front office of the home care organization. Methods and Materials: In 2007, (1) all the clients with a connection to a home telecare system, (2) their primary informal caregivers and (3) nurses of the front offices of home care organizations in the Netherlands that deliver home telecare, received a postal questionnaire. A total of 254 clients (response 54%), 136 informal caregivers (response 29%) and 38 home care nurses working at the front office (response 67%) filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire addressed the use of the home telecare system, experiences with home telecare and the perceived effects. Results: Four out of ten clients (44%) use the system (also) at a fixed time a day for a short moment – the so called good-morninggood night service – to be sure everything is all right. One third of the clients used the system for social contact (33%). Most of the clients report they feel safer due to home telecare (71%), three out of ten clients report they are able to do things more independently (32%) and six out of ten clients (61%) suspect they can stay at home longer thanks to home telecare.(aut. ref.)
Introduction: Western countries have to face a strongly increasing health care demand, related to ageing of population and an increasing number of chronically ill. At the same time, a growing nursing shortage exists. Home telecare provides opportunities in this regard. Up till now, home telecare in the Netherlands mainly consists of an audio-visual connection between the client and nurses of the front office of the home care organization. Methods and Materials: In 2007, (1) all the clients with a connection to a home telecare system, (2) their primary informal caregivers and (3) nurses of the front offices of home care organizations in the Netherlands that deliver home telecare, received a postal questionnaire. A total of 254 clients (response 54%), 136 informal caregivers (response 29%) and 38 home care nurses working at the front office (response 67%) filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire addressed the use of the home telecare system, experiences with home telecare and the perceived effects. Results: Four out of ten clients (44%) use the system (also) at a fixed time a day for a short moment – the so called good-morninggood night service – to be sure everything is all right. One third of the clients used the system for social contact (33%). Most of the clients report they feel safer due to home telecare (71%), three out of ten clients report they are able to do things more independently (32%) and six out of ten clients (61%) suspect they can stay at home longer thanks to home telecare.(aut. ref.)