Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Publicatie datum
The impact of textual elements on the comprehensibility of drug label instructions (DLIs): a systematic review.
Maghroudi, E., Hooijdonk, C.M.J. van, Bruinhorst, H. van de, Dijk, L. van, Rademakers, J., Borgsteede, S.D. The impact of textual elements on the comprehensibility of drug label instructions (DLIs): a systematic review. PLoS One: 2021, 16(5), p. e0250238.
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We provide an overview of textual elements that contribute to the correct interpretation of DLIs. Optimizing the textual instruction on drug labels may increase the safety and adherence to prescribed drugs, taking into account that a significant proportion of patients has low health literacy.
We provide an overview of textual elements that contribute to the correct interpretation of DLIs. Optimizing the textual instruction on drug labels may increase the safety and adherence to prescribed drugs, taking into account that a significant proportion of patients has low health literacy.