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The influence of specific chronic somatic conditions on the care for co-morbid depression in general practice.

Nuyen, J., Spreeuwenberg, P.M., Dijk, L. van, Bos, G.A.M. van den, Groenewegen, P.P., Schellevis, F.G. The influence of specific chronic somatic conditions on the care for co-morbid depression in general practice. Psychological Medicine: 2008, 38(2), p. 265-277.
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BACKGROUND: Limited information exists on the relationship between specific chronic somatic conditions and care for co-morbid depression in primary care settings. Therefore, the present prospective, general practice-based study examined this relationship. METHOD: Longitudinal data on morbidity, prescribing and referrals concerning 991 patients newly diagnosed with depression by their general practitioner (GP) were analysed. The influence of a broad range of 13 specific chronic somatic conditions on the initiation of any depression care, as well as the prescription of continuous antidepressant therapy for 180 days, was examined. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was used to control for history of depression, psychiatric co-morbidity, sociodemographics and interpractice variation. RESULTS: Multilevel analysis showed that patients with pre-existing ischaemic heart disease (72.1%) or cardiac arrhythmia (59.3%) were significantly less likely to have any depression care being initiated by their GP than patients without chronic somatic morbidity (88.0%). No other specific condition had a significant influence on GP initiation of any care for depression. Among the patients being prescribed antidepressant treatment by their GP, none of the conditions was significantly associated with being prescribed continuous treatment for 180 days. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that patients with ischaemic heart disease or cardiac arrhythmia have a lower likelihood of GP initiation of any care for depression after being newly diagnosed with depression by their GP. This finding points to the importance of developing interventions aimed at supporting GPs in the adequate management of co-morbid depression in heart disease patients to reduce the negative effects of this co-morbidity.(aut. ref.)